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BBQ Sauce as a Pizza brands

You don’t always have to do everything the hard way just to say you do. If I can make something better and I have the time, space and equipment to do it, I try to. But it better be a significant increase in either quality or price savings to make it offset all of those valuable commodities (time, space, equip). When I’m at home making ribs or pulled pork, I make a great apple barbeque sauce. But for my pizzas, I need something that is ready to go, thicker consistency, and, most importantly, shelf stable in case I go a week without selling a BBQ pizza or wings. The stuff I make is better, but its not enough better that it’s worth the time and energy it would take me to make my own. Not to mention the extra ingredients I would have to keep on hand and find storage space for. Now, if I get my kitchen expanded and have the room to do it and I sell enough that we can go through batches of it, I’ll gladly revisit it. Making everything from scratch in house is a great concept. I would love to be there some day. But it’s not often practical.
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We use Cattlemans it has a great flavor and its thick in consistency. We use it for wings and pizza.
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For you guys looking for a Sweet Baby Rays clone, ask your sysco rep for a sample, and doctor it up by thinning it with something like Dr Pepper, Coco Cola, even Black Cherry cream soda works well.
I’ve used it for BBQ competitions, and took home first place on ribs on more than one occasion doing it this way.

But, that is not what I use at the restaurant. Every place around me uses SBR because this is the area where it was invented and test marketed, Larry (AKA Sweet Baby Ray) dropped off a gallon at every restaurant on the main highway for 70 miles, and left a card saying “If you like it, and need more, call me” and he is sitting pretty now (except for his health) after selling to Reckitt Benckiser (cattlemans, Franks, etc etc)
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