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Best Pepperoni?

I’d have to hear a positive comment from every single customer every single day
I agree with noreason… There is a point where I can justify a more expensive product but there has to be a solid positive response to justify significant upcharges. To get comfortable with higher prices, what we do is promote a “pizza tasting” and try to get 30-40 people in the store for a blind taste test. We mostly get our business neighbor employees to come in but also put a mention on FB and do a side by side test of the candidate products. A side benefit is that we have fun and get pictures and post them on FB too.

To justify a significant upcharge, I would want to see a really solid preference expressed by the people testing. When we have done it in the recent (last few years) past we did get a solid response to our sauce tasting and made the change to a more expensive product as a result. When we did it on cheese there was no preference for the expensive product at all and we made no change…

It has been years since we did it with pepperoni. In our market, there was a negative response to pepperoni that was oily or greasy. We ended up with a beef pepperoni with a moderate level of spice that was not the most expensive product. When we did it with italian sausage we ended up with a pretty spicy, fully cooked, sliced product that was also a bit more expensive than some others but not the most expensive option.

I know that I have my own preferences, but have learned that my own do not always line up with our customers.
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We use the primo gusto and love the way that it cups a little bit. However we have tested the EZZO and it’s delicious. More expensive also. Not sure how a switch would go over with our customers though…
Your customers will love it and they’ll love you!
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