? Blodgett Gas Conveyer


New member
I’m looking at a Blodgett gas conveyor oven on EBay.
Model number is MT2136G.
It has a 21" wide belt x 36" long.
Photos show it to be in excellent condition. It has digital controls.

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/pizza-oven-blodg … dZViewItem

Apparently Domino’ds use these in Australia (but bigger capacity).

Does anyone have any thoughts on this type of oven?

I’m looking at it for going on top of my MM PS360.

How do they cook in comparison to MM?

Is it too small for future expansion, bearing in mind we are doing around $9.5K per week and I forsee $10K + in the very near future?

It is listed at Buy Now for AU$8900 but it is also open for bids starting from AU$6900 with no bidders to date and 5 days to go.

Any comments welcome.

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At 10k be pretty good for that capacity with a MM as backup what you’d be running both ovens for only a couple of hours a week at the same time.

So what’s the capacity of the oven per hour? I mean for you whats your cook time and temp?

Yeah the bigger capacity blodgett chains use in Australia stack pans three wide for a large pizza and are just monster work horses with very consistent cooking pretty quick to gain cooking temperature, quite oven that never seems to miss a beat.

Can be prone to overheat and self shut down though once you start stacking the oven three wide needs to be good air flow through the unit.

I guess the big issue is cooking times the blodgett may have a different cooking time to the MM which means you have to keep your orders together seems pretty easy to say but can be a huge pain to have two ovens with different cooking times. Can be a product quality issue too.

The blodgett will give a much more consistent dry cook then the MM.

Pretty well support company given that there are so many units out there. I haven’t seen to many of these though.
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at the first store we had a double stacked blodgett conveyor… not sure what model buy they both worked great. they cooked pretty evenly cooked and consistant pies and did well during the peaks. I’ve had experience with Blodgett, Lincoln and Middleby Marshall impenger ovens and Blodgett makes the best I think. They are super easy to clean, and perform pretty damn good.
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