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Blowing dough

Change in bag design? Oxygen is the biggest enemy of IDY. Vacuum packaging has long been used very effectively to provide a long shelf life. If they are pulling a vacuum on the bag and then replacing the atmosphere with carbon dioxide or nitrogen, this might work as well. I’ve seen this done before and it has resulted in some confusion between IDY which has typically been sold in vacuum packages and in ADY which has been sold in MAP packages. The end result has been that you almost need to read the fine print on the bags to know which type of yeast you’re using. The rule used to be: if the package is hard it is IDY if it is soft it is ADY, now that ain’t necessarily the case anymore. Can you send me one of your unopened packages of yeast to look at? I’ll trade you a couple pounds of SAY IDY of known good quality for it. I find this very interesting and I’d like to do some experimenting with it to verify exactly what is happening.
If you can send me a bag, please send it to Tom Lehmann/AIB International/ 1213 Bakers Way/ Manhattan, Kansas 66502.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I will do that, I will also reseal (vacuum seal) the unused pack we opened. both packs we wrapped together and sold as 1 unit.
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All that I need is one of the unopened packages. I can’t use an opened package as that constitutes a variable that cannot be accounted for. P.M. me with your mailing address and I’ll get the SAF IDY off to you tomorrow.
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Tom, Look above a “Piper” they have the same common link about getting yeast at sams club, maybe you should talk with them as well
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Well had 2 people from Fleischmanns contact me, and directed me to the plant in St Louis, will call them tomorrow, both people I spoke to are actually from the freakin call center for the average joe blow, ha…They really dont understand what Im trying to explain to them, go figure
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It seems like every thing has returned to normal for us. I can’t say for sure it had anything to do with the yeast as there are so many variables and it could be a post hoc, ergo propter hoc logic error.

I’m also not sure if the packaging itself changed, or just the graphic work on the packaging. I don’t want to send Tom on a wild goose chase.
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When the dots begin to get connected and different people begin reporting problems with (in this case yeast) all purchased from Sam’s Club and report different packaging/graphics it pays to look at it. Every once in a while something happens even to the best of us, and products too, and yeast would be no exception, so if this proved to be the case it is in our best interest to bring it to the attention of the manufacturer.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Daisy and other interested readers;
I’ve received your yeast sample and have asked to have it scheduled for testing using the Risograph (providing a definitative performance profile). We hope to have the sample tested sometime next week and as soon as the testing is completed I will post out findings. For the control, against which the preformance will be compared, I have opted to use SAF IDY with production and expiration dates very close to that of the sample you sent to me.
How did the yeast samples that I sent to you work?
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I’m definitely interested in this Tom, even though I’ve been hesitant to make the logic leap to the yeast.

I just had a batch of dough blow that was less than 24 hours old. It came off of the mixer at 83, we had it rolled and in the 39 degree walk in within 20 minutes. Every thing has been fine for several batches now, but this one blew big time.
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The yeast sample that Daisy provided to me was one of the “suspect” bags thast she had recently purchased (Sams Club) I believe. Since the bag is still unopened it will be good for some realtime testing when we run the Risograph next week. I’m curious to see the results myself.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom, the yeast you sent worked out just great, 24-36 hrs in cooler acted as normal as expected,

The yeast you sent is same exact brand I purchased thru GFS except the gold label bag, I bought the red label, they (GFS) do not carry the gold label, which is fine.

1 thing I did notice was with the new yeast you sent & the yeast I bought at GFS, I could actually smell the yeast (AROMA) once it started mixing in the dough, as to with the yeast from Sams Club, I could not smell any yeast aroma ???

Thanks for running a test on suspect yeast purchased from Sams Club.

I spoke to Paul Bright last week regarding the yeast & told him I shipped you the unopened package, honestly I was not impressed with his response to me, he basically spoke to me like I dont no what Im talking about and just told me to use less yeast, my response to him was “why should I use less yeast when I have been using the same recipe for yrs”. He said he will be interested in finding out the results when you get them.
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At long last I have the test data back on the yeast samples.The ml of CO2 generation at 90-minutes was 134 +/- 2 for the control (SAF/IDY) and 149 +/- 1 for the test yeast (Fleischmann’s IDY that you provided)the difference is just 15-ml of CO2 production over 90-minutes, or about 11% more CO2 production with your sample over the control.
Net Result: I don’t think this slight difference in total CO2 production/yeast performance would result in uncontrollable blowing of the dough.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
At long last I have the test data back on the yeast samples.The ml of CO2 generation at 90-minutes was 134 +/- 2 for the control (SAF/IDY) and 149 +/- 1 for the test yeast (Fleischmann’s IDY that you provided)the difference is just 15-ml of CO2 production over 90-minutes, or about 11% more CO2 production with your sample over the control.
Net Result: I don’t think this slight difference in total CO2 production/yeast performance would result in uncontrollable blowing of the dough.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
Tom: Im not up on all the testing numbers above, BUT you would know better than I. I am just going to stay with SAF yeast for now and stay away from Fleischmann’s for awhile, I have been having excellent results with the saf yeast.

did you happen to make a batch with the sample yeast I sent, that’s what I figured you was going to do, to see what I was talking about
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The Fleischmann’s yeast was the yeast that you provided to me for testing against the SAY yeast which in this case was the control yeast that I took out of our inventory.
Tom Lehmann/the Dough Doctor
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Tom Lehmann:
The Fleischmann’s yeast was the yeast that you provided to me for testing against the SAY yeast which in this case was the control yeast that I took out of our inventory.
Tom Lehmann/the Dough Doctor
yes Tom that is correct.
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