Canned Pizza Sauce


New member
Currently we use an Italian manufactured sauce called Pronto Fresco which we find really good. We decant it from the can to big buckets adding a little water and some sugar. The product is great tasting and well received from our customers.

My supplier today gave me a sample of a new brand to our market called Mutti Pizza Sauce Aromatizzato. Again it is an Italian one, claiming to only use Italian grown Roma tomatos and none from Turkey which apparently others must do.

They claim the sauce is made within 8 hours of harvesting in their premises in Parma Italy and is totaly free from green or yellow unripened fruit. They claim the taste is sweet and intense with no bitterness (this I found to be true).

They also claim their sauce is used by “the best Pizzeie and restaurants in Italia!” and is "the No:1 i Italian retail and foodservice market.

The sauce did taste good but so does the Pronto Fresco we currently use.

Has anyone used or tasted these products?

Unless there is a Tangible incentive to change I don’t think I will but if I can save money and have a comparable sauce to the Pronto fresco I am using now I will give it a go.

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I do not know what you are paying, but FYI,
I use Escalon 6n1, Stanislaus 7/11 just as comparable, lightly season with salt, pepper, basil, and lemon juice…
it’s simple for me and customers seem to like it.
spreads well and goes a ways…not as much as paste though…
I use about 3.5 ounces on a 14" pizza,
Hope that helps,
Can’t help you as far as the products you mentioned but I just wanted to say…

Last week how did you feel about your sauce? How did your customers feel about your sauce? How did you feel about the price you were paying for your sauce?

I ask this because if it wasn’t broken…don’t fix it. Sure you might save a few pennies but for our pizza our sauce is what makes our pizza taste the way it does.

To me it would be like Mc Dees changing their fries.

My 2 cents…

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You’re killing me with this fully prepared sauce stuff. No more crap about my frozen dough balls, eh? 😃

Really, I don’t know manufacturers you have available. If the products are similar in taste, get a couple sample cans and do some taste testing with customers. They would love the chance to give input. Do think well on the change. It could be great, or it could confuse the customers. I always remember that customers have a short memory for change. As long as they don’t think you are trying to rip them off with cheap crap to make a buck, then they’ll give it a try and trust you to make good decisions . . . until they get a nasty pizza from you :shock:

I agree that sauce is a true signature taste that customers grow to trust and expect. That said, changing it does not equate to suicide. After all, McD’ actually HAS changed their fries at least THREE times in my lifetime (since 1966). Removed the animal fat in 70’s, new coating in 80’s, and now trans-fat free in 2000’s. They haven’t fallen to obscurity yet.
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I think the most critical point of not using “prepared” anything is that the vendor can, and usually do, change it and you do not know until it is too late or at least later…
buy the simplest ingredients as you can and hope they do not change much, when they do, may not be so noticeable…
ie, you have some degree of more control, can change things when and how you want…my 2 cents,
I am with KRIS on this one…

many times one thinks he or she is improving their product…in reality your customers are used to< and like the product you are selling…that is why they are your customer…simply changing a product for any reason
may lead to unhappy customers…

the question can only be answered by your customers…

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Thanks for the replies.

I don’t think I will be changing and won’t just for the sake of saving money.

This sauce is new to Australia and I got a sample can to try.

To me I cant really taste much difference to what we are using, but that is a sample of one.

The quality of both are superb, atste is great and the one we use has been of the highest consistentcy, no changes fro batch to batch.

The new one matches the current one.

I was just seeing if any of you had used these products and how you felt about them.

Funny thing that with such a high Italian population in US and the number of pizza shops, that neither of these products (held in high esteem in the Italian market) aren’t readily known or used in the US. You would think that the size of your market that the Italian manufacturers would try to get into it.

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so much good tomatos coming out of CA probably has something to do with it in the USA market,
Anyone have issues with consistency of canned sauce? I’ve been using Stanislaus Full Red and today I got a comment that the pizza was sour tasting. I tried the sauce and it seemed normal to me. But, my taste sensitivity may be skewed because I’m around it all the time. I’m sure that even a company like Stanislaus can have a bad batch every once in a while; maybe it’s seasonal.
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The question begs to be asked "If your existing sauce is readily available to you, and your customers like it (you said they do), and it is working wel lfor you, why would you consider changing to something else? It sounds like you have a loyal customer following. Why would you want to run the possibility of undermining that by making a change to your sauce for no apparant reason? Remember the old adage; If it ain’t broke, don’t set about tryin’ ta fix it.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Hi Dave

I have read about the sample of the Mutti Sauce you have been sent,This product is now in Perth sold through Dave at Elite foods PH92482443
They sell the classic which is the plain sauce but are getting samples of the spicy which has all the herbs etc already added which I am sure he would gladly a supply to you
As you know supply of Pizza sauce into perth can some times be hard to obtain so this may be a alternative to you

Thanks peter
Hi Dave

I have read about the sample of the Mutti Sauce you have been sent,This product is now in Perth sold through Dave at Elite foods PH92482443
They sell the classic which is the plain sauce but are getting samples of the spicy which has all the herbs etc already added which I am sure he would gladly a supply to you
As you know supply of Pizza sauce into perth can some times be hard to obtain so this may be a alternative to you

Thanks peter
Thanks for the heads up Peter.

Yeah I know Dave well. He used to own Portobello Foods.

I have tried the complete one with spices added and it is just about the same as Pronto. With shortages a of Pronto and expected price increases due to yet another crop failure in Italy I might give Dave a call.

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