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CFM Concepts is screwing me

And I’ll say again, I find this all to be a little suspect. Copyright claims are handled in writing by attorneys, not people calling you or sending you emails. Don’t change a thing on your website until then.
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And I’ll say again, I find this all to be a little suspect. Copyright claims are handled in writing by attorneys, not people calling you or sending you emails. Don’t change a thing on your website until then.
Not always…Often a copyright owner will try to resolve an issue themselves…But if it needs to be escalated, then a lawyer is usually required…

This is a little different than a typical copyright claim…The user acquired the material legally and now the right to use it is being withdrawn…One needs to determine if the users still has standing to use the material in question…
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I personally love the “YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR” comment. Wait… did not all those customers pay for their website photos already? So you get what you pay for until the company sells out and they take your pictures away? I am so confused! :roll:
Hi royster13: I don’t think a copyright claim has ever been resolved without a lawyer by either party in the entire history of copyrights. :lol:

I can’t believe anyone would act on such an unreasonable and unrealistic scenario communicated though phone calls by a company that claims it isn’t even the copyright holder anymore. Only the owner of a copyright may take action on that copyright.

Unless you have received a valid “takedown notice” based on a copyright claim through your website provider, I don’t think anyone should be spending any time or money on changing anything.
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Unless you have received a valid “takedown notice” based on a copyright claim through your website provider, I don’t think anyone should be spending any time or money on changing anything.
Cfmconcepts took the photos off my website and left a blank! Contacted me via email and told me I had to choose my own replacements! Grande sure took a top notch company and turned it up side down. I can only imagine what their great staff thinks of the situation their in.
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I bet you are spending a great deal of time considering switching to Grande cheese! Those guys sure know how to alienate a potential customer.
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POTM… and anyone else… has anyone contacted Grande directly and heard first hand what is really going on here? :idea:
Changing a picture on a website would take me about 30 seconds, buying another stock photo another couple of minutes and wouldn’t cost a small fortune.

I am a big fan of the idea of using your own pictures, cameras and photoshop are so easy to use and you can easily produce professional picture yourself now. I see so many menus come through my door with stock pictures (and the same menu template) how do they expect to stand out.

I am going to rig up a set, so our branding can be seen in the pictures to help build our profile as well as protect the image rights.
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I mentioned to CFM Conepts that Grande is just asking for a class action lawsuit. So far my website has not changed and all of the pictures are there. I guess they realized they were out of line. I am still keeping my fingers crossed.
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