We use checklists for almost every part of our restaurant. The common ones are: Opening List, Prep List, Daytime Cleaning (shift change) list, Closing List, Weekly Cleaning List, Monthly Maintenance List.
Most of them are just word documents with checkboxes. The only one that is different is a prep list. We have a page that has everything that could get prepped each day, and there are two checkboxes side by side for each item. The manager checks the left box on anything that needs prepped, then when it is completed someone checks the right box.
I converted them all to .pdf format, and then they are in a folder on the computer, so the managers can print them off when they run out.
Hope that helps. Checklists are great, and they allow me to not be there and ensure the detail stuff is getting done. You have to enforce them and check them though, or they will not get done and people will slack.