If your busy and keeping the oven full, you can’t really wait for the pizza in front to be far enough in that you can push the pizza in or leave space behind a pizza to push it back. In my mind, thats just not a reasonable solution.
I would first look at your finger arrangement. You probably have too much airflow on the top of your pizzas, and by closing one of the top fingers, your topped pizzas will probably still be fine and your cheese pizzas won’t be as dark on top. If you can’t find improvement here, maybe try lowering your temp by 20 degrees and adjust the time to cook your crust properly. If still having problems, you may need to consider adding more sugar to your dough to get it browning faster while lowering the temp of you oven to keep the cheese from scorching. And if none of this helps, my last suggestion would be run two different times and temps on your 2 ovens(assuming you have a doublestack) until you can figure out a solution. I actually do this with cook time in my Lincoln X-2 where cheese and one or two topping pizzas go on the bottom belt, and multi-topping and wetter pies go on the top belt. I can cook any pizza on either belt, but get optimal cook for all of them this way.