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Cheese price climbing


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The CME cheese block market is up 8.5 cents per pound over the last two days. In a few weeks I’ll be paying over $2.00 per pound. I sure am glad to not be selling 5 buck pizzas.
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As of Monday, we were $2.29/LB. Been steady there for about a week and a half

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just paid 2.83/lb for house brand smoked provolone.

I use 100% smoked provolone on my pies and don’t know many that do. so I could never compare price to tell if im getting hosed or not. just paid 2.83/lb for house brand smoked provolone and last week 2.77/lb. I go thru about 170lbs a week and my supplier says they dont do block plus pricing. So I chart it each week with previous weeks avg close price at CME (1.78) and my currant price of (2.83) to come up with a guesta-mate-avg thing of block plus price. with this week being the guesta-mate-avg $1.05 (usually runs around .95¢). question …am I getting hosed?
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Every year at this time when schools go into session the dairy industry is strained & prices sky rocket
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$2.35 a pound today for me. Shredded Sorrento Whole Milk

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Went over $2.00 this week. Now $2.03 from Sysco and $2.05 from US Food. We have not paid that yet since we purchased about 1200 pounds at $1.85 a couple of weeks back and we are still using it. If the price keeps climbing we will do that again but we have a week or two before the CME jump will show up in our pricing.
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2.83 Grande’ 50/50 But my margins are still good, because I’ve learned from the past, and priced my menu accordingly so price spikes like this doesn’t make me lose any sleep. When the prices come back down, the smiles on my face go up:)
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2.83 Grande’ 50/50 But my margins are still good, because I’ve learned from the past, and priced my menu accordingly so price spikes like this doesn’t make me lose any sleep. When the prices come back down, the smiles on my face go up:)
Bingo! What’s been killing me is the price of pork & beef, 50% increase in pork 6 weeks ago, beef has been insane for 2+ years now
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We just paid 2.12 up 9 cents from the previous week it sucks. Hopefully they will come back down as quickly as it went up.
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