I have gotten so much valuable info here, but I need help. I currently have 2 carry out/delivery pizza shops. One is fine, but the 2nd is stressing us out. We have a great manager who works harder than anyone else ever does and has been with us 6 years. The last few months she has been asking for pay advances. It was so out of control, so we don’t allow it anymore for anyone. A month ago she took money from our till but paid it back a day later. She said her rent was due and she knew she could replace it the next day and thought we wouldn’t find out. My husband told her he was not her personal ATM and if she took, or borrow as she calls it, any money she would be fired. Well on a random check tonight we found that she borrowed $160 from the till and advanced herself another $95 from the days deposit. We want to fire her, but we have no one to run that store. There are no extra managers we can send from our other location. What should we do? How do you find management? We don’t have good response with newspaper ads and there’s no one ready to promote from within. My husband wants to franchise it and sell it that way, but I don’t know. I really want to keep it.Please help!
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