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Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemypies

Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy

As I beat my head on the wall with this post, You can NOT bake a better pizza in a conveyor belt oven- I am not one sided, I own both in other locations under different names and different concepts that some of you on this board compete against. Go ahead and don’t let the facts get in the way.[/quote]

Seeing as how you have both ovens maybe its just the case that YOU can’t bake a better pizza in a conveyor oven?

Plenty of people seem to be doing quite well with them and I doubt that most customer sat at home would could really tell, or truth have it care, what type of own its cooked in.

just my 2 cents anyhow!
Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy

they both have there advantages and disadvantages, so
I have both.
Gives me flexibility and options.
My deck oven is on top of my Q-matic 36W.
Sometimes I use it as a warmer, put a pan of water in it and proof, breadsticks that will not bake with the pizza profile on the conveyor, and, when I am busy, I plan to finish the thicker pizzas in the deck after they go through the conveyor.
I have not been that busy yet so that it yet to be seen. Also, I will get a larger deck oven for the 20" pizza. I have a Castle Comstock 19" wide deck now.
Hope this helps,

Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy

What a fun thread.
Here’s some + and - to add (or repeat)

A) Each type has advantages
B) Conveyors make consistency easier
C) Conveyors eliminate the need for a talented/knowledgable/experienced cook working at the oven
D) Decks provide a certain crust crispness conveyors can’t achieve
E) Decks provide flexibility to cook each individual pizza differently, which can be advantageous handling different combinations of toppings, slight differences in dough, etc.
F) That same feature provides the opportunity to cook each individual pizza poorly
G) Decks require someone who knows what they’re doing, who can adjust cook times, turns, and more depending on how much the door’s open, etc.
H) Decks are easier to use for a variety of styles or foods in comparison with conveyors, which do best when adjusted to properly handle ONE crust type.
I) Many operations seem to have conveyors that are not adjusted properly, and there may be no one on site who can make any corrections (other than time or temp). That’s probably not true of people HERE, but I’ve seen it a lot in local franchise shops.

I’m new, and using Bakers Pride decks.
I “grew up” cranking $2,000,000 a year out of a 2-deck oven, mostly sold at about $1 a slice…you can do volume in a deck!
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Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy

I can tell you that I did have a number of my regulars stop coming when I switched to conveyors for a year. They came back when we got rid of them…same pizza mind you so you figure it out.

And as far as volume goes YES you can do crazy volume with decks, but it is definitely ALOT of work. I have found Roto-Flex to be easier to pump out big volume
Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy
I can tell you that I did have a number of my regulars stop coming when I switched to conveyors for a year. They came back when we got rid of them…same pizza mind you so you figure it out.

And as far as volume goes YES you can do crazy volume with decks, but it is definitely ALOT of work. I have found Roto-Flex to be easier to pump out big volume
Could it be that you had your customers and then when you switched it tasted different to those ppl,while not attracting the new ones.I fell that if I use them from the start, The ppl that like my pizza with them will stay and It won’t ever switch so it should stay consistent and that’s what they will like.
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Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy

Perry, I have rotoflex in storage for about 6mos. until we get open. 1st store has conveyors after couple years of decks. I took apart(with help), and will put back together when needed. Any tips on using?, we are going to screen then finish on the stone(not metal) decks.
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Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy

I own a pizza shop in Northeast Indiana and I have a customer basis that you walk out the door if I got rid of my deck ovens. The way I look at it is if your using a deck oven why are you even thinking about changing. You better make sure it won’t hurt your sales. Some customers are like that you change the way you make their pie and they’ll walk on you.
Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy

Call Rick Eller 1-866-HOT-OVEN…I would not even think about doing it by myself…we have the stones but I think we might change to metal b/c I think they will recover more quickly.
Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy

If that was a response to my post I did not indicate that a better pizza could be baked in a conveyor oven. I did indicate that we never have failed to match the qualities of the operators deck oven baked pizza. We had to or they would not have purchased the conveyor oven. The thousands that switched to conveyor ovens were not idiots. Who would switch to an oven that did not bake as good a pizza as the ovens they were useing.

I would note also that sale always went up when we replaced deck ovens with conveyors. Always: Some doubled their sales
Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy
George Mills:
I would note also that sale always went up when we replaced deck ovens with conveyors. Always: Some doubled their sales
well bearing in mind your comment, and the fact that I have conveyor ovens - long live the deck oven (as long as there in other peoples shops!!!)
Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy

If this is not boring the readership I will make an additional observation as to this subject.
Whenever I speak to a deck oven user I ask “do you get many requests for well done pizzas”? The answer has always been yes a lot of the buyers request well done. After the deck user switches to conveyors and I ask the same question the answer becomes “almost no one requests well done pizza”. The reason being that almost no one wants a well done pizza they just want the pizza baked perfectly, not done on the outside but not done to perfection on the inside.
I ask also “do you ever over bake or perhaps even burn the bottom of a pizza”? The answer is always yes. Given some oven tenders are better than others,the number of over baked pizzas very but all the deck users I have spoken to acknowledge, they burn or over bake some pizzas. Conveyor ovens do not under or over bake pizzas, every pizza comes out the same, done just the way the operator has set the oven to bake.
Re: Conveyor over -vs-deck.How much different will it makemy

almost bought oven from rick. He wants 3K to do install. I took one I have apart with old owner( alot of work) putting back together won’t be fun either but I’m having a hard time spending 3K to have someone do it. That may change though as time goes on.
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