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Counterfeit - my new problem

We went to see the bills. There were truly horrible fakes. On semi close examination, you can see the lines of the laser printer in the image. They printed it in two passes on a computer printer from a scanned image. There was bleed-through of ink, highlighted shading areas indicating a copy, and the paper is really coarse and obviously printer paper roughed and worked to change it a bit.

The worst part is that the cuts are not even right. You can see the sliver of white in one corner where they were slightly off in cutting the bills. Oh, and identical serial numbers, as if we check all the numbers of bills coming in.

Pens, and black lights and all that other stuff be d@mned. If we took this bill and accepted it, we just screwed up. It really is a laughable copy.
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i get 2-3 counterfeit 20’s per year and used to call the police. after never hearing back from two incidents where I knew the address that we recieved it from, I now spend them. A busy night in a dimly lit bar, and they are now someone elses problem.
If they’re too bad to pass off at a dimly lit bar, take 'em to Nick’s 🙂
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