Credit Cards - Is anyone Happy or at least have a honest rep

Is anybody happy with their credit card processor/ rates?
Does anyone have an honest representative?
I understand no ones “happy”

My situation is I have 2 stores

Januarys totals

Store 1 51,153.07 sales 1600.92 fees effective rate 3.12

Store 2 42,947.86 1339.80 effective rate 3.11

I’m currently with Worldpay. My rate last year before vantiv was bought out was 2.5% . I’m just trying to get back to that.

Any help or direction is appreciated
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Before I start, I want to say that I’m currently working as a sales rep with a different CC processing company.
What I can do to help, is to give you a competitive offer which you can present to your company so they can match the rates.
I’ll list the rates you can ask for below, but if the need them in a more “official” way, let me know and I can send the same to you over an email if interested.

Anyway, here is what you can ask for:

Interchange Plus Pricing Schedule
Discount Fee: 0.05% (Basis Points) - Includes fees for all card types, Visa, Mastercard, Discover & Amex.
Transaction or Authorization Fee: 3 - 4 cents per transaction - Same for all card types as above.
AVS: (Zip Code Verification) 0 - 0.0175 (cents) per verification
PCI Compliance: $99/Year
Non-PCI Validation Fee: $19.95 per month (Only if Non-PCI Compliant)
Batch/Settlement Fee: up to 3 cents per batch
Monthly Statement Fee (For Paper Statement): $4.95
Disputes/Chargeback Fee: $10
Merchant Portal (Online Account Access, Reporting & Gateway) $35 per month (Optional)
Monthly Account Fee: $0
Customer Support Fee: $0
Contract Term/Length: NONE
Few things to keep in mind:

  • []The rates listed above, are for processing all cards as credit with a basic configuration, either through a POS or a Standalone Terminal.
    ]No pin pad devices are included or debit acceptance is added. Any of these option added will change the rates listed above.
    []That doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t be able to accepts debit cards, you would accept them all as credit.
    ]You’ll have to ask for 75% card present (swiped) Vs 25% card non-present (Keyed) in case you do delivery. This will not keep your rates like that forever but it will take few months (3-6), before they get adjusted accordingly. Even with an adjustment when you show that you do more than 30% keyed transaction, your rates would not go out of control. Maybe about 5-10 basis points raise.
Best of luck 🙂
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