Thanks for the feedback. I suppose I should’ve been more clear that this would be curbside carry-out (they would not be reserved spots for people to sit in the car and eat what we brought out to them). The point about taking away prime spots from dine-in customers is a good one, but as we’re located in a strip mall those spots frequently are overrun by customers looking to dine elsewhere anyway. It may be the landlord won’t agree to the reserved spots, but I am currently planning on the assumption he will (won’t make any purchases until I have reached an agreement).
The employee safety thing is also a very good point. I had thought of the camera needs for the purpose of seeing when a customer pulls up, but not as a safety precaution for my employees.
From a logistics side, I guess what I was wondering is whether anybody has done this on a regular basis – customer calls in an order, pulls up maybe 15 or 20 minutes later, and an employee runs the food out to them. I’m still trying to work out basic questions like whether this move will require an additional staff member to serve as the food runner, what sort of information to take down in the phone call (license plate #, car model, etc.), depending on the number of customers use the service whether to consider an additional dedicated phone line, how to run out orders and still allow people to pay with credit cards, etc. Just basic stuff like that. Any feedback on logistics like this would be great.
Either way, thanks to everyone for the feedback. I’ve been unable to read through this site recently but used to be a regular visitor and always appreciate the willingness to help out another pizza store owner.