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Indy, do you have a menu link with a photo? I’m still to thick to visualize what you do with this . . . . don’t want to steal it, just make my own variation if it looks good to me for what we do. Link?
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I know that Austin Blues produces one, and I found that Farmland has at least two SKU assigned, 194557 and 19212. We get Farmland products through a couple of our suppliers.
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Rick G:
Brad, you can get a commercial induction cooktop
We’ve got an single-electric-burner counter top unit, but I don’t like the employees to use it since it seems unstable (dangerous) to me. That one you linked looks a bit flatter - I’ll check it out.

I made the baked pasta following that recipe I linked. The cottage cheese was “meh.” I remade it with that cheese volume replaced with a blend of ricotta, mozzarella and a bit of parmesan. Much better. Also tried making a no-boil lasagna - worked great and the employees loved it.

Now I’m wondering if the same method will work with manicotti and/or stuffed shells? Experimental cooking is fun!

I saw this: … -Beignets/ on the PMQ twitter feed. If you have a fryer, I think this would be a good appetizer.
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Oh man! I tried a variation on the Monkey Bread Rolls and they turned out AWESOME! Only thing is, I made it with Rhodes frozen bread rolls instead of our regular pizza dough which has onion and garlic powder. I wonder if it would drastically change the flavor profile if we left those spices out. Then we could just use the same rolls for both the Garlic Rolls AND the Monkey Bread Rolls (Soon to be renamed, if we decide to go with them that is) 8)
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…Monkey Bread Rolls (Soon to be renamed, if we decide to go with them that is) 8)
Anyone have another name for these? Something that suggests they are in fact sweet and NOT covered in primate hair?
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we sell cannaloni as a pasta dinner at our restaurant.recently I tried a fried appetizer version of this pasta, and it is good.we may add it to our menu.anyone here sell it?
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Pizza of the Month:
Two of our new products caught on really well.
Stuffed Breadsticks…5 slices of pepperoni and a mozzarella stick wrapped in dough. Brush garlic butter on it and a sprinkle of oregano. We sale 450 to 500 a week. Sold in orders of 3 and 6.
Do you seal the ends up or leave them open? Have a photo of what these look like all cooked up? They sound really good.
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Indy, do you have a menu link with a photo? I’m still to thick to visualize what you do with this . . . . don’t want to steal it, just make my own variation if it looks good to me for what we do. Link?
I am having the same issue. A picture of these would be much appreciated!

As for what has been selling well…We recently started offering a gluten free pizza option. They’re a bit of a pain to prepare (gloves, new can of sauce to prevent contamination, etc) but they’ve been selling very well thus far.
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