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Customer Complaint....

I finally got the dreaded call from “Hi, I’m from Yelp, we’ve notoced that your traffic on our site has tripled in the last 60 days”
My reply was, “Well, thats tourist season”
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I got a similar call the other day. She was talking about how many views I was getting and what I can do to maximize those views. After I (finally) got off the phone with her, I checked it out. In the past 30 days, we had 1 view. That one might have been me.
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The original scenario, as soon as they balked at recovering the error, I get red flags. That red flag tells me to 1. Overcompensate the customer by replacing the pizza PLUS a premium for the inconvenience. 2. Note my POS or customer list to be extra cautious next time.

I want word on the street to be that I more than make up for errors. I want people to know/think I have more on the table when they risk giving me their hard-earned money than they do … either they het perfect order, or even more than there order.

Others have said somilar to this … it costs WAAAAYYYYY more than $5-$6 to find a new customer than to keep an active one. Do your customer right, and they will more than compensate you for your investment AND tell the legend to family and friends of your generosity.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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I’d agree with a lot of what was said here with the following:
  1. Always check they did actually order - I’d think 2 or 3 out of every 10 complaints we’d get were from people who hadn’t even ordered they were just trying it on.
  2. If you can get the pizza back
  3. Its a fine balance between catching them at it (the scammers that is) and messing around a genuine complaint so treat them all as genuine unless you are 100% sure, log it on your POS and give them something and a bit extra to put it right
  4. Just remember that the food cost to put it right is nearly always much less than the cost of having you/ your manager tied up with a customer for 20-30mins and not supervising your store
  5. Likewise the cost of putting it right is a lot less than loosing one or two customers especially with social media
  6. NEVER get into a debate online - just NOT worth it. Whether you are right or wrong it will blow up in your face unless you are very very lucky.
Hope this helps
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