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Customer Problem

We always ask: “What would you like us to do?”.
“We could replace the pizza for you right now, or could give you a credit for next time…”

Some of them really want what they think they ordered, and we send a replacement pronto.
Some are already half done eating it, and think a future credit is a super offer and they’re happy.

We enter the credit into our POS - next time they call, the phone number triggers a popup message that we owe them $5 or whatever…
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when this guy called back we asked him is it ok if we give you 2 additional free toppings next time when you purchase something and he was fine with that. He loved the pizza he didnt care too much but then calls back 10 days later “ej yo let me get that free large pizza” … and we explained to him that he was fine with 2 toppings last time we cant just give him a free pizza… well i didnt want that because they will take adventage of that they did it before and i cut it out.

so anyways i agree if they are unhappy with their order we send them that night right away or next time and we write it on the wall for them
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We always ask: “What would you like us to do?”.
“We could replace the pizza for you right now, or could give you a credit for next time…”

Some of them really want what they think they ordered, and we send a replacement pronto.
Some are already half done eating it, and think a future credit is a super offer and they’re happy.

We enter the credit into our POS - next time they call, the phone number triggers a popup message that we owe them $5 or whatever…
thats sound good
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It always amazes me how we will spend so much money trying to get customers and then when we get them we piss them off. It sounds like this guy got the wrong pizza was told what would be done and agreed with it but then when the time came he decided he wanted something more. Has this guy done this before? If he has then I would think twice before I do much for him but how good of a customer is he? I had a customer that ordered about every 4-5 days about every 2-3 months he would find something to complain about not enough cheese or do dark or to light and we would give him his order for free yes sometimes we did mess up but sometimes I know he was being to picky. Now why would I give it to him if I wasnt sure because he ordered from me at least 60 times a year. So ask these questions before you say no. Has this person done this before? Is it a good customer? Is it worth it to give them a free pizza? So the guy changed his mind and maybe he was asking for more then you wanted to give but what did you give up?
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yes sometimes we did mess up but sometimes I know he was being to picky. Now why would I give it to him if I wasnt sure because he ordered from me at least 60 times a year. So ask these questions before you say no. Has this person done this before? Is it a good customer? Is it worth it to give them a free pizza? So the guy changed his mind and maybe he was asking for more then you wanted to give but what did you give up?
Don’t trip over the proverbial quarter to pick up a nickel. Let us never forget the value of “word of mouth”. That customer could now be spreading the word about how you don’t fix your mistakes or care about your customers. There really are lots of ways to manage this sort of thing and some pros and cons on whatever the solution. As long as the customer is treated like an adult, with respect, and professionalism . . . the results can be positive for everyone (though they sometimes are not regardless)
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It always amazes me how we will spend so much money trying to get customers and then when we get them we piss them off. It sounds like this guy got the wrong pizza was told what would be done and agreed with it but then when the time came he decided he wanted something more. Has this guy done this before? If he has then I would think twice before I do much for him but how good of a customer is he? I had a customer that ordered about every 4-5 days about every 2-3 months he would find something to complain about not enough cheese or do dark or to light and we would give him his order for free yes sometimes we did mess up but sometimes I know he was being to picky. Now why would I give it to him if I wasnt sure because he ordered from me at least 60 times a year. So ask these questions before you say no. Has this person done this before? Is it a good customer? Is it worth it to give them a free pizza? So the guy changed his mind and maybe he was asking for more then you wanted to give but what did you give up?
well i asked myself all these questions… before i said no…
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I am usually like all the other posters in 100% agreement. We spend all this money trying to get em in the store we need to treat them as gold…but then came thursday.

We have a family who orders EVERY thursday night and has for ths last year…we have had tons of credits for them…so many that we know them by name and have them look at the 2 pizzas and salad before leaving. From time to time they will only look at one pizza or not the salad and sure enough she calls complaining. I always give them a free whatever…But I had it. She called on thursday and said we made her salad wrong (she always asks for no croutons) and was going off and I explained we obviously can’t get it right so I don’t know what else to say. She said can you deliver me another salad or give me the credit. I said no…not tonight and not ever again…why don’t you just take the croutons off (we have big croutons) she flipped out completely.
The more I think about it I chuckle…the owner saying well just take the friggin croutons off.

She ended up driving to the store and throwing the bag to me and demanded a new salad. I made her a new one and off she went. I truly don’t care…I lose more money than she is worth…I am sure on many occassions we have put croutons on the salad but I am also sure she is a scammer. Would you keep going back to a place that screws up that much? So it will be interesting to see if she orders but from now on no credits.

BTW I opened the bag and I think out of anger she took the croutons off because there was none in the bag only a 1/2 eaten salad.

Not really your situation but I am looking forward to my much needed day off…it is only food…

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Besides identifying our top customers, we will be identifying those who are scammers. We will reward the top customers and will fire the scammers. Now don’t take this as not dealing with complaints. Complaints are always welcome as it helps us improve. But when I analyze my database and see someone consistently costing me money and obviously working the system, you bet I will refuse future orders.
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