Just received this from one of my distributors, I’ll paste it here:
As you know the price of cheese is at an historic high. Activity at Chicago’s Board of Trade’s dairy section has been bullish and brisk. This activity has been going on for the past several weeks with not much weakness in sight.
Our current level has been a result of record demand for all types of dairy solids, cheese, butter, powder and milk. This demand level has been most strong from abroad. Several trade agreements that had been negotiated over the past couple of years finally began to take effect making our dairy products in the U.S. much more attractive to overseas buyers. As a result basic production shifted to react to this demand, now even our largest cheddar plants are at capacity, and when there is no cheddar for sale to fulfill the demand, prices go up. This time they are higher than ever.
So is there relief in sight? Sorry, but in my opinion not in the near future. All indications show strong demand from overseas, a weak dollar and a stable US economy. What could change this out look? Competition from New Zealand for the China and European demand for dairy solids, a stronger dollar against the Euro, the let out of schools before July and a kinder mother nature. All of these factors have come together in the past several weeks to give us the highest CME block market in history. So, as we have always said “Every ounce counts” MEASURE, MEASURE, MEASURE.
I just jammed in a (planned) sizable price increase last week to attempt to get our food costs back in line. It may not be enough if 2.20 - 2.40 is the new reality for the cheese market until more dairy cows “come online.”