deck oven on top of conveyor oven


New member
Does anyone have a deck oven sitting on top of their conveyor oven and if so do you have the universal bracket that sits on the conveyor oven to secure the deck oven.
Thanks, Kel
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I have a bakers pride y800 i want to put on top of a middleby marshall ps555 they make a bracket to set the brakers pride y800 on but wasn’t sure if I needed it.
Thanks, Kelly
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call me what you will but why the hell would you put a deck on a conveyor?? … they cook totally different and will create an inconsistancy in your pizzas… o thonk that a bad idea… …
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Your Bakers pride is 78 inches long the MM has a 55 inch baking chamber the BP will constrict the flow of air from the MM up to the hood and may cause the effluent to flow out from under your hood. As far as needing the support structure. I would think the MM unit should be able to handle the BP with out it but that may void your warranty. What size and type hood are you going to use, is it UL or ETL approved. what CFM of exhaust have you calculated?
I have a Comstock Castle deck oven, aprox 24" wide x 26" deep on top of my Q-Matic 36W…the footprint of the deck is smaller than the conveyor, so no problem,
I use it to keep slices warm, with a water pan in the bottum, when busy, can take the thicker pizza and finish them, and when slow, bake in the deck…it uses about 1/10 the gas and no electricity, less heat, no noise…
it’s a win/win situation for me,

My mistake I gave demensions for a Y600 your Y 800 is 84 in wide and would disrupt the air flow more.
One reason you might put a deck oven on top of a conveyor would be to reheat slices. Customers love to see the slice coming out of the deck oven.
I tested cooked some thin crust pizzas on a middleby marshall oven and they turned out great, crisp and consistant. I am putting my deck on top of my conveyor to cook deep dish and calzones and pizza during the slow time. I have found it is hard to get everyone who runs the deck oven to get a consistant product. Middleby has a bracket that sits on top of the conveyor that will support the y800, middleby makes this bracket so it must not hamper the air flow of the Middle by.
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I’m not too familiar with the dimensions of deck ovens, but going by what George says, if your deck oven overlaps the cook chamber of your conveyor, your hood will absolutly not pick up all of the exhaust from the conveyor. I have to remove the catch pans under the conveyor belt of my top oven when I use my bottom oven to keep the store from heating up 10 degrees. Just because Middleby makes a bracket for it, doesn’t mean it will work for your HVAC setup.
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