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delivery drivers

Nick, We are in a ski resort town in Colorado. Our regular cooks mostly make $11. “Key holders” who can open and run the kitchen make $12 plus they are in the bonus pool, retirement plan (if they choose to) and get a season pass to the ski mountain.
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“bodegahwy” said:
Interesting duscussion…
They make $6 an hour plus tips.
Is that the min. in your state?

We run a similar type situation with drivers using our cars that are new and “wrapped” with our info.

I currently paying about $150/per month per car for insurance…does that compare to you?

Also we have $1.50 delivery charge that we keep if they use our cars (of course we pay gas then), but they keep if they use theirs…what do you do?
Thanks for the comparisons!
The minimum here is $6.85. The drivers have to “declare” tips each night. We also have a $1.50 delivery charge which we keep. If they drive a private car they get 6% of the delivery as mileage. We are paying about $140 per month per car.

What kind of coverage are you getting? Ours is just liability…
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any idea how to catch and lure dominoes drivers away to my store?
As they say Better late than never 🙂

Offer them a compensation package or incentives that they aren’t getting elsewhere.

A few ideas are below. They are just general ideas since I don’t know the particulars of your situation.

.50 - 1.00 for each delivery on top of their wages and tips (each pie going to a separate address) Might consider making them use a car topper on deliveries as a condition or provide some other means of advertising.

Compensate them for an oil change if they drive x number of miles or take x amount of deliveries or work x amount of hours over a period of time. Put a cap on what you wil reimburse them and get reciepts.

Same for Car Wash or detail job.

Set aside X amount of $$ each quarter and give that as a bonus to drivers who work at least 2/3’s fo the previous quarter. Remember bonuses are one a time expenses, raises are forever.

Increase the wage. If you pay crap you severely minimize your chances of getting good employees. Forget that they make tips when determing the wage if you need too. yes you can make $10 or $20 an hour but in my experience this doesn’t happen the majority of the nights you work. I usually made that on high volume nights and then only for about 4 - 10 hours per week our of a 35 hour work week did I make that kind of money. I never made that kind of money on day shift. This of course will vary by your area and location which should always be taken into account.

Have a regular raise program. Establish clear cut goals, have reviews and give prompt raises where deserved and make it mean something. I do realize you can’t give raises forever so there nees to be a capped on the wage but that will depend on your turnover rate. Advertise regular raises.


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Domino’s have now started putting roadside plastic fluted A signs on major intersections (Got one at the intersection our shopping centre is on ) advertising for drivers - Drivers needed EARN $18+ per hour Apply at stores.

Now this is DEFINITELY False advertising.

Got my drivers on a $5 per sign they bring in. :twisted: One wants to write all over them - liars ($18 per hr), crap to work for, rip off merchants, etc.

Off we go to the Ministry of Consumer and Employment Protection.

If you can’t beat them, well make sure you make life hard for them. :twisted: :lol: 😉

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