OK, for the life of me I don’t know how this topic hasn’t been discussed to death but I searched the forums and couldn’t find the info I needed … so my apologies in advance if I missed something.
So we are a new (2 month old) biz in Northern California and, due to many customer requests, anxious to start offering deliveries. I want to make sure that we are rock solid in regards to insurance. In your opinion, what is the best/safest insurance option? I spoke with our general liability insurance broker and this is what he told me:
Our insurance WILL cover delivery drivers. However, when you hire a delivery driver, this is what you need before they can work:
a. Drivers license on file
b. Insurance policy on file (so we need to know the name of the company, expiration dates and limits)
c. They must add our name as “insured†on their policy
d. If they have a Combined Single Limit (CSL) policy, they must have a minimum of $100,000 coverage.
e. If they have a split coverage, they must have a minimum of: $50,000 individual/$100,000 occurrence/$50,000 property damage
Is it as simple as “add us to your policy, make sure that you have the minimum coverage and give us the paperwork?”
It just seems like it should be a little more complicated than this!
Thanks in advance!
Jaron Christianson
The Fix
So we are a new (2 month old) biz in Northern California and, due to many customer requests, anxious to start offering deliveries. I want to make sure that we are rock solid in regards to insurance. In your opinion, what is the best/safest insurance option? I spoke with our general liability insurance broker and this is what he told me:
Our insurance WILL cover delivery drivers. However, when you hire a delivery driver, this is what you need before they can work:
a. Drivers license on file
b. Insurance policy on file (so we need to know the name of the company, expiration dates and limits)
c. They must add our name as “insured†on their policy
d. If they have a Combined Single Limit (CSL) policy, they must have a minimum of $100,000 coverage.
e. If they have a split coverage, they must have a minimum of: $50,000 individual/$100,000 occurrence/$50,000 property damage
Is it as simple as “add us to your policy, make sure that you have the minimum coverage and give us the paperwork?”
It just seems like it should be a little more complicated than this!
Thanks in advance!
Jaron Christianson
The Fix
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