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Delivery Signs... how much of an Impact are they?

Liability as in, there are alot of deadbeats looking for a fenderbender so they can sue “The Pizza Man” with all of that EASY cash. Am I exaggerating? yes, but a few years ago i was named in a lawsuit. car double parks, our driver and 2 or 3 others slow down behind the 1st car, drunk guy goes around line and nails person getting out of 1st car (few broken bones etc.) the double parker sues everyone in the line as well as nightclub who served the drunk guy. thankfully it went away for me with a small amount of effort from friend who is attorney. Also, no police report involving my driver just “eyewitness” who saw sign on the roof. this went on for a couple years before it blew over. will you ever have a problem like this? Probably not, just something to consider.
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Good point about driver muggings. Totally forgot that and it is an issue where we are.
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Anyone have any hard data supporting this “drivers with cartops on get mugged more often” fact?

I don’t believe it.

In fact, in the one problem I’ve had in the past 3 years, the driver didn’t have his car top on (and he usually does).
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Registered Guest:
Anyone have any hard data supporting this “drivers with cartops on get mugged more often” fact?
I didn’t say or mean to imply that they get mugged “more often”. I do not actually remember reading anything that they get attacked more often than the general delivery industry. I simply meant that anything that lights up and advertises someone who will have ready cash on them makes them a more obvious potential target. Getting on ‘the radar’ so to speak.

While only annecdotal, there are lots of news articles around the country describing pizza delivery people getting ambushed for the little bit of cash they carried. Maybe one of the pizza realted associations has statistics about that sort of thing.
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One reason I think this is far more “urban legend” than anything is the fact that no ones workmans comp insurance forbids the use of car toppers.

You know, with 100% certrainty, if any insurance company thought that car toppers made drivers even remotely more vulnerable to a claim - they would forbid their use.
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Registered Guest:
You know, with 100% certrainty, if any insurance company thought that car toppers made drivers even remotely more vulnerable to a claim - they would forbid their use.
Or jack up the price of delivery insurance so high that it hurts to pay for it . . . wait . . .they already do that 🙂

You are on point that if anyone could prove cartoppers a real risk that they would be heavily regulated, punitively premiumed for insurance, or banned outright.

‘Urban Legend’ may be a bit too far the other way for my own views, but I do agree that there is a hightened sense of danger given the number of deliveries every HOUR in this country. I do have an inkling that it varies per market, and that some markets or areas are going to be riskier for delivery people to operate in.
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One more thing that car toppers do is make the delivery driver a target for complaints. “your driver was speeding, your driver cut me off” those t ypes of things. So I guess there are some cons with the pros.
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Good point about driver muggings. Totally forgot that and it is an issue where we are.
The Domino’s out here has been targeted so many times that they don’t use car toppers anymore. PH, PJs, HH and most indys still use them though.
In fact, here in PA it just became legal for them to be lit again !