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Detroit Style Pizza

Our proofing is all done in the pans at room temp, because I found out after trial & error, that if you proof any other way, the dough will stop rising because you are playing with it to much, 100% proofing in the pans means 1 time touch. After proofing for 3-4 hrs we pre bake just to let rise a tad more & to set the dough, then pull out let cool, wrap & will hold for a few days in cooler, when we get an order we just pull out, oil pan add ingred. and bake, they come out great & are a huge seller when we added, Im not a thick crust fan, never was but after doing this Im lovin it.
What do you mean by “Pre-Bake”? how long? How is your bake after that?
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I pre-bake after rising at room temp for 3-4 hrs, bake just until dough is set about 4 minutes or so.

When we get an order for one, we oil the pan add the pre baked crust and add everything put a couple screens under the pan and finish off the baking
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Try 375 for 3 to 3 1/2 min.
The end result is you need to have no brown color on the dough.

Like the previous poster mentioned. Let it rise, after you put it in the pan, until it doubles in size. Then parbake, let cool and place in a food safe bag in the cooler. When you have an order, pull it out, place in pan and top then cook.

You may need to get a few “no burn rings”. These keep the edges, which are close to the top of the pan, from burning. Some folks put foil, your choice.
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