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Dining Room

Looks nice ! Those pictures are hung so evenly !

Maybe a promotion with a theme of ‘our family has created a place for yours’ or ‘we’ll make the food, you make the memories’ or ‘new dining room, new traditions’.

It’s a start. Now Nick will come along and begin the idea piggy-backing process. :lol:
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You stunned me with good ones. I got nothing this time 😦 I’ll wait for more inspiration from the wunderkind here.
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Looks good…get some pics of those kids eating your pizza & hang those, also donate some pizzas to a few area youth sports teams and have them frame and hang a team picture for ya. Before you know it you’ll have a “community picture wall”. Also, have your guests fill out a small 3x5 index card giving you some props on your food & service, hang those as well. You’ll be suprised how those kids will bug the heck out of their parents to come to YOUR place just to see their pictures & comments for the 100th time!


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Did you consider allowing local artists to hang their work on your walls ? If you sell them maybe the artist would give you a small commission…
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My wife made me measure every picture so each was exactly 10" from the rail! This used to be a video store, and when I took over the space it had shelves on every wall, with supports spaced at 16" intervals. It took 2 weeks to get them all off the wall! This was all done by my brother and me with some painting assistance by my wife and a few friends. I built the bar myself by hand.
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Just wondering…where did you get your tablecloths? I have been wanting to get some, but I’m not sure where to get the best tablecloths for the best price.


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We actually made those. I bought the material from Joanne Fabrics, and my wifes friend sewed them for us.
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