I just wanted to know how you guys are doing your marketing and see if I can come up with good ideas to post. I recently found out about a new system called “Crowd Sourcing” which really got my attention, one site in particular was
www.cambrianhouse.com, where companies and individuals share their ideas to see the results from a crowd point of view, apparently Procter and Gamble is jumping on the trend for their new products.
Anyway, I was thinking that the direct mail piece you do is just a direct mail piece, I mean there is only so much you can do by showing good pictures and after a while it will become the same old thing and start to lose its magic, so I thought maybe you guys can come up with a marketing calendar which has special events to offer on specific days. It doesn’t necessarily focus on “discounting” but to bring some enjoyment to your clients at the right times.
I was thinking of like the following days:
Easter: Collect eggs to win free prize (either hidden around store or given out as sticker with each purchase)
Family day: bring in your family and receive x off, or receive free x with purchase of x.

BEST COSTUME WINS!!! I would totally be there for it.
New years: email us your resolution and enter for a draw to win x
Christmas: email a picture of yourself with a snowman you built and get a coupon
Valentine’s Day: kiss your couple at the register and get a free slice (lol I’m not sure about this one)
Note a lot of these things will help you collect a database of customers that can help you with marketing. These are stuff that you guys can organize if you have the time and I think it could bring a lot of culture to your brand. Apparently the biggest way to improve brand recognition is to deal with people on personal level and play a part in their lives, which also goes into something else I wanted to talk about, which is Corporate Social Responsibility. I’ll make a post about it later.