I will let those who are allergen sensitive inform themselves and make healthy choices for themselves. I’ll follow it a bit and see if there is any huge megolithic finding that is more stable than the whole the argument that butter or margarine is a healthier choice. When a significant health risk is found, then we will certainly make an informed choice about continuing or not.
We are moving forward on developing our popcorn program. It will be part of our nicer dining rather than our lower position dining room. We like the idea of thirsty people ordering a drink while perusing the dining fare . . . . and a second (good profit margin) beer or glass of wine while waiting a few minutes for their dinner. Popcorn is dead cheap in cost plus labor as compared to the bread/oil/cheese/etc. We’ll offer a bread plate, probably when dinner comes, or if they inquire before hand. Remember that those little dinner rolls have the flour now almost worth its weight in gold.
Popcorn is fun and flexible . . . I’ll probably sell it by the bagful as well. Kettle corn is also a regional favorite in these parts.
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