Domino's Floorplan


New member
Does anyone have access or know of where I can find a typical layout for a high volume shop? I am looking into remodeling and changing things to be more effiecient, and want to see how higher volume shops are laid out.
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We designed ours from scratch. I worked at Dominos, and my partner at PJ, and our floor plan kills both of those.

We only had one change from blue print to build out, that was moving one wall.

The black book has a good one in it.
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Since Dominos goes into existing areas, they usually just get to rent a “box” and build it out. I’ve worked in a few PJs and they were not set up the same. You work with the space you have.

The common theme to all of these types of places is a front counter. From the front counter, you have a dough station, a makeline, and an oven turned at a 90 degree angle past the make line. There’s a hand sink at the end of the makeline.

In front of the oven is the cut/box area. The walk-in, dish area, and storage area are hidden from sight usually. Then there’s a bathroom somewhere back yonder. The front counter has a phone station between the register and the dough station.
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Does anyone have access or know of where I can find a typical layout for a high volume shop? I am looking into remodeling and changing things to be more effiecient, and want to see how higher volume shops are laid out.
We do free floor plans for pizza operators. We have done hundreds of them for all types of shops. Go to for information on our program.

George Mills
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