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Door Hanging


New member
For the last month or so we have been non aggressively hanging our menus on doors. We really just stick them through their door handle. No coupons, no real reason for these people to use them. We have a pos so I know who the new people are. I can’t tell an exact return b/c of the lack of coupons but what I can say is we had our best week in a long time, up over $2,000. (25%) These numbers could be inflated b/c
  1. I am in the northeast and the weather was great
  2. Lent of course gave us one of our best fridays ever
with that being said looking back at the third week in march last year, we were still up 25%. Has anyone had this kind of return from maybe 2,000 door hangers tops? Id like to go out and get real door hangers made but seriously if a return like this is possible…forget the coupons!
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Door hanging has always been our #1 marketing tool. It is much more difficult to manage than direct mail but for us is cheaper per household and we get nearly twice the response. The less common doorhanging is in your area the better the response will be. If people are used to getting 5-10 doorhangers/month they might not pay much attention to yours. If you can put a nice call to action on your doorhanger you might get a much better response. Put some nice bundled offers(coupons) and you may increase your ticket average as well. We get our door hangers from
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It is always interesting how different one place is from another. I we did door hanging, there would be an outcry in the community about littering and it would be terrible for our business! No way I would ever consider it.
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I have used it for the last couple of years and it has worked great! Was actually going to go out today and do it but great OHIO weather turned again and went to rain so that plan is on old for a couple of days!!! But we get some great instant results from it. I try to hit areas I know are big spots for my competition first and work my way around to new areas after that.
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