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Yes I think it was more work than other ways of doing it but it was effective…It allowed us to use our menus rather than and actual doorhanger…We did the compete town 1/5 at a time for 5 weeks…I used to put the bands on at home while watching TV…Seems to me there was about 1,500 buildings (dwellings and commercial) so about 300 a week…RCS…
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Holy (expletive deleted)! 1500 buildings! I have something like 18,000! That’s a lot of busy work.
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?#1: You GLUE to the customers’ doors???

?#2: You think gluesticks are inexpensive? I found them VERY expensive when I used to use them for other stuff
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Holy (expletive deleted)! 1500 buildings! I have something like 18,000! That’s a lot of busy work.
Holy Bast Guano :shock: That’s 7 building for every man, woman and child in my town. What the . . . .
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