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doorhanging advice-complaints

I’ll share two stories.
  1. I was doorhanging for PJ’s and this lady tracked me down (okay, I was only a house past hers at that point) and told me how I should never place anything on her door again. I whipped out a “free pizza” coupon and she shut up quickly. I carried those around for when I actually ran into a person and thought I could get them to become a customer.
  2. I was delivering of PJ’s and got to this door in a 4-flat. “No solicitors, Jehovah’s Witnesses, magazine salespeople…” and the list went on. I knew I’d been called there by an angry neighbor looking for a good laugh. I was prepared for some guy still fighting the Vietnam war to greet me with a few choice words. I prepared for the worst and knocked. Nice guy, paid for his pizza and that was that :).
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When I first came aboard with Pizza Hut as an assistant, they had a war going with Papa Johns… they would flyer our parking lot (which was part of a mall complex and much bigger) and we would flyer theirs. Well one day they had a girl out ther putting flyers on the cars in this huge parking lot. as she passed within earshot I said to the cook (we were out smoking) Well go get me the trash bag! it’s time to clean up the parking lot! I got a trash bag and took every flyer off of every car she put one on. They never hit my parking lot again.
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I’ll never order regular door hangers again. Only post-it note style ones. They are super easy to put on the doors, and I can also put them on car windows right above the door handle.
We design and print Post-its for the pizza industry. Like Scott, many of our customers have said they are never switching back. I have lots of testimonials from pizza people that explain how they use them and what the results are. If anyone wants to read those let me know and I’ll e-mail them over to you.

Also - if anyone wants to try this out, let me know. I’ll give a 15% discount off your first order so you can test them. Just mention that you saw this on the PMQ Forum if you contact us. We’ll design all the art for free!
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Red Baron have you ever tested the return rate for full colour versus 2 colour?..I have always believed that you get a much higher return for full colour and I am curious to find some stats that prove or disprove that…RCS…
We’ve tried both and I see no appreciable difference in return on full color vs 2 color. I prefer 2 color because it’s cheaper, quicker, and because I whole-heartedly believe doorhanging is about frequency than quality. I hit a subdivision three times in a two week period with these cheaper hangers and have had much more success than one time with a full color hanger as well.

Much like box-topper coupons: A simple white sheet with 4 hand written coupons on them will have a hell of a good return rate even though they aren’t professionally designed, in color, etc. It’s merely a coupon and what matters most is getting the coupon out. (I’m not advocating producing such a poorly designed piece but my point is that it still works)

I spring for full color on all my menus, magnets, etc.
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