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dough doctor Barnaby's?


New member!AGv_MokMUJNeIAM&v=3&ithint=photo,.jpgI’ve been trying like crazy to reproduce that crust and I’m just not getting it. I went there last night with the kids and spoke with the bartender, turns out she was daughter of owner. Very nice lady and I tried not to get too specific but she told me it was a same day dough bulk ferment. The dough I saw was dry but more smooth and less shaggy than what I have been attempting. I did tell her I was opening a place in Florida so it wasn’t like I was sneaking. Any ideas what can get that great super crIspy crust like that? Thanks.
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Finished product. Pay no attention to shape I was just using what topping I had at home and was more interested in getting crust right!130&authkey=!AJxOdeu5fCLO2es&v=3&ithint=photo,.jpg​
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From the picture posted it appears that they are using a low absorption cracker type crust dough formula. This dough is made much like a regular pizza dough but it is made using a very low dough absorption much like many of the pizzas were made from back in the 1950’s.
Flour: 13% protein content 100%
Salt 2%
Sugar 2%
Oil 2%
Yeast as IDY 0.5%
Water (80F) 45%

Put water and oil in mixing bowl (you won’t hear me say that very often), add flour and rest of dry ingredients and mix at low speed to a cohesive dough (about 15-minutes). Bult ferment the dough for 5-hours and cut pieces off as needed. Sheet the dough pieces to desired thickness and trim to diameter. Toss scrap into bucket for reuse later in the day or for incorporation into new dough at the end of the day.
Alternative procedure:
After mixing allow dough to bulk ferment for 1-hour, divide into desired weight pieces and form into balls, wipe lightly with salad oil and set aside to rest for approximately 5-hours (could be longer depending upon your shop conditions) sheet each dough ball to desired diameter as needed. Dress to the order and bake.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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You should be able to give the dough 24-hours cold fermentation without any problem. Yes, Ceresota flour will work quite well, infact, it might even be a little too strong and need to be blended with about 25% of an all purpose flour if the finished crust is too hard or chewy. Ceresota flour comes in at around 12% protein content.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks. I’m hoping to use ceresota for both deep and thin and cracker crIspy, but not at expense of quality. Ill post pics tonight. Thank you so much.
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While a good many stores use Ceresota flour for making deep-dish pizzas, if you find that the finished pizzas are tougher/more chewy that you like, I would suggest blending the Ceresota flour with 50% all purpose flour and bench mark from there.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Well I made the dough as your recipe above called for and used 50% ceresota flour 50% ap. Here’s what it looked like before I tightly covered bowl. I’ll be leaving at room temp until this afternoon. One question, in your recipe above you call for 13% flour but then you said ceresota might be too high ? I’ll post pics of finished tonight. Hopefully I’m getting close on this dough, my waistline cacan’t take much more!!AK97ykG87coc1b0&v=3&ithint=photo,.jpg
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The dough in the photograph actually looks pretty good. The reason why I went from recommending a 13% protein flour to something closer to 12% is because you had mentioned the desire to use Ceresota flour (about 12% protein content). In a home baking situation the difference in protein content probably won’t make much of a difference due the the great number of other variables.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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And I have a question about mixing times. Some recipes call for 60-90 seconds and some closer to 15 minutes. Which will get me closer to really crIspy?
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There are two different types of cracker crust dough formulas. One calls for an extremely dry dough formula made with 36 to 45% dough absorption and a low yeast level (about 0.25% as compressed yeast). The dough is formed using a sheeter, docked, dressed and baked. The resulting crust has a dry, crackery texture. This is the one that utilizes the longer mixing time as it is more difficult for the dough to come together. The other is a dough which utilizes approximately 50% absorption but the dough is only mixed for roughly 90-seconds. The finished dough (if you can call it that) has a rough, shaggy appearance, and is not cohesive as you would expect to find in a normal dough. After mixing, the “dough” is turned out of the bowl and pressed together forming pucks, much in the same way as you would make a pie crust. Each preportioned dough piece is then individually wrapped in plastic wrap, or in the case of larger scale operations it is placed onto a lightly floured sheet pan, covered with a food contact approved plastic bag and allowed to hydrate overnight in the cooler. On the following day the dough is removed from the cooler and allowed to warm to 50F before being shaped by passing the dough through a sheeter/dough roller, it is then docked, dressed and baked. This process makes for a very light and crispy cracker type finished crust.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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This may seem like a stupid question but when you talk about total hydration does that include oil? Also what does the really low level of yeast accomplish? You cut in half for ady correct? .25% just seems so low. Forgive my ignorance.
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The only stupid question is the one not asked, so I don’t ever remember hearing any “stupid” questions.
When we make reference to dough absorption we are referring to the amount of water added to the dough. When expressed as a percent, such as 50% absorption the anount of water added to the dough is equal to 50% of the total flour weight, hence we always express the dough absorption as a percent of the total wheat flour weight. If there is any corn flour or other flour in the formula it is always shown as an added ingredient. The oil content, while performing in a manner similar to that of water, is not included in the dough absorption percentage. The oil is always shown as an added ingredient independant of the water. With this said, it should be remembered that oil (not shortening) will soften the dough in a manner similar to water, so if a dough is formulated with a high level of oil, say 5 to 8% you might to take that into account when determining what your dough absorption might be. Shortening, being a semi-plastic/solid does not exert this same effect upon the dough. As for yeast substitution, Fresh yeast/compressed yeast/brick yeast/crumbled yeast/wet yeast (they are all the same product) is replaced with ADY (active dry yeast) at 50% of the compressed yeast level and it is replaced with IDY (instant dry yeast at 0.4% of the compressed yeast level. Cracker type crusts are typically made with very low yeast levels (just like crackers are) and in some cases they might not even contain any yeast at all, but instead baking powder is used instead of the yeast at the same level. Some have referred to this as a Lavash type of crust. These, in my opinion, are probably best prepared as a parbaked crust and then dressed and final baked to the order. Because these crusts tend to be a bit short on flavor my favorite way to prepare this type of crust is to roll it in some sesame seeds when opening the dough into pizza skins, as the crust is baked, the sesame seeds are toasted giving the crust a great flavor.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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