I’m not sure where you got this figure, but I have lived in Benton all my life and it has never been 11,000 people. It was 7200 at one time. The sign coming in from the North says 6800, the sign coming in the from South says 7200. Go figure . . .Benton Ill has a poplulation of 11,000 with 4700 households as of year 2000.
What is Gob’s Marketshare?
Back to dough issue - I rehydrate the fresh yeast in 100 degree water. I put the oil in first, then the yeast water, flour, sugar then salt. I mix for 8 minutes. Like I said, the crust is good, Bill just wants it to be a little thicker.
Today, I did a test batch using 93 degree yeast water, less salt and mixed for 10 minutes. My dough came out at 85 degrees which is warmer than normal. It had a good feel to it, so I’m hoping when we try it out tomorrow, it will have the look and taste Bill is looking for.
We are really having a good week and had a guy come in tonight to “Tame the Monster Pizza”. He actually did it - that’s the second person out of 46 that has won. We took his picture and gave him a T-Shirt. We have started a section in the store to honor the winners.
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