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Why??? when it gets hot outside do you have to use cold water for dough? When do you have to change water temp for dough?
you shouldn’t ever change your water temp, only the amount of water you use.
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The temperature of the water that you add to the dough will influence the finished (mixed) temperature of the dough. If your shop is responsive to the outside temperature (not air conditioned) you will probably see your doughs getting warmer as the temperature outside warms, and getting cooler as the outside temperature gets colder. If you shop is air conditioned so the back room, where your doughs are mixed doesn’t change in temperature with the outside temperature, you should not have to adjust the water temperature unless you want to change your dough temperature. The finished dough temperature is so important because it has such a great influende on your dough management process. If the dough is too warm, your doughs can “blow” or become too gassy, and if they are too warm, they might be difficult to shape or exhibit excessive memory/snap-back when forming. You should be taking the temperature of every dough you mix and trying to keep the temperature within a specific temperature range that works best for you. Most doughs seem to respond the best when they have a finished temperature within the range of 80 to 85F.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Im making sure its between 80-90 d and all of a sudden the last few days my dough has not been rising, i have not changed anything
Try mixing the yeast into a small amount of warmer water first to get it moving, and add the majority of the water colder.
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If the yeast you are using is ADY, Scott is absolutely correct. Use a thermometer to check your water temperature (100 - 105F) use just a couple cups of water at this temperature, the rest should be at your normal temperature. If you want to be correct, be sure to reduce the amount of colder water by the same amount of warm water that you used to hydrate your yeast in.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Our store has a big rotating deck oven which puts out a lot of heat. We do not have a walk-in (all reach-ins) and no air conditioning. We were having very inconsitent dough management from day to depending upon how hot it got outside. Since our tap water is not that cold we started adding some ice to the mix and have had much better dough management since. I have read some people hear store some water in their coolers that they use for the same effect.

It also may be that your guys are not getting that dough in the cooler fast enough as well. Because of our store conditions, we make it a top priority to get the dough in the coolers as fast as possible. All other prep is stopped during the process.
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I was taught to let the dough rise for a little and then put in walkin
You are a great example of why it’s so impotrant to monitor temperatures. Like I’ve said before, dough temperature is the most critical aspect of dough management. I would encourage you to consider 80 to 85F as your target temperature range. 80 to 90 is way too hot and too broad. It is common to store water in the cooler. I’ve been is some stores with a pretty elaborate water cooler. Think of this: A water tank (plastic 55 gallon drum) with a spigot coming off of the bottom (actually the side, about 2-inches up from the bottom) this is used to take water from the container. The water is stored in the cooler and cold water is drawn from the container as needed. You will probably need to be looking at water about 60 to 65F to give you a dough with the target temperature. At the end of the day, any used water is replenished in the holding container. I know a 55 gallon container is too big for your reach-in but think of a 10 gallon water jug from Walmart, maybe two. Now you can just pour the water out as needed. Also, make sure you’re cross stacking the dough boxes in th ecooler for at least 2 hours, maybe a bit longer in the reach-in as they’re not quite as efficient as a walk-in cooler. I realize that you might not be able to truly cross stack in the reach-in, so, instead, you should off-set the stack front to back, by this I mean that the first box will have the rear three inches or so not covered by the box on top of it, then the next box will have the front three inches not covered, then the next will not have the rear covered, you see the pattern. The idea is to allow the boxes to ventilate as this cools the dough balls more uniformly and quickly than sealing the boxes closed as soon as you put them into the cooler.
Another option for water temperature control is to buy several bags of ice. Keep a 5 gallon bucket of ice water in the cooler to cool the tap water to 65F or so, replenish the water in the bucket after each dough and always make sure it has ice in it. Try not to get too much ice into the dough.
Keep me posted on your results.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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when i cross stack my dough becomes hard a nd the skins are dry so it cracks while stretching by hand
That is easy to fix. If you look at any of my formulas that are posted in the RECIPE BANK you will see that I always recommend that the dough balls be wiped with oil before taking them to the cooler. The oil goes a long ways towards helping to keep the skin of the dough balls soft and pliable.
Also, the slightly cooler dough temperature of 80 to 85F will help to reduce the dry skin formation too.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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