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Driver kills "would-be" robber

Really? So you can provide several quotes from several threads to support that statement?

Your quotes from 1.5 threads (I could keep going but I’m getting a bit bored now) - so many times vitually every post on the negative about ‘owners’, why aren’t they insured, if you paid them .55, why do you not allow them to carry, why was the driver sacked becuase he carried, why don’t you xyz.:
  1. Thanks for keeping the topics at the top of the forum for me. Your posts have been useful. Especially at showing how owners and managers truly feel about drivers and pay issues!
  2. Bottom line is I am spreading the word about minimum wage and mileage reimbursement laws, and you are a big help in that. Your incessant denial of what the law says so clearly only reinforces the stereotype of penny pinching owners doing and saying anything to keep from paying full minimum wage and mileage while crying poverty all the way to the bank.
  3. Perhaps if you paid 55 cents per mile your employees could afford more reliable cars and maintain them better. - comment directed to me and I have never commented on what I pay my drivers
  4. If a person is paid so poorly that they must choose between paying for food, housing and car repairs, you would mock them for choosing food and housing first?
  5. Mileage is almost always less than expenses in my experience, and even if it was equal to expenses, it is not ‘income’, it is repayment for money the driver already spent.
  6. Since the accident happened ‘on shift’ is the shop responsible for paying for it? If not, why? - posted in response to the question when should a driver be clocked off after an accident (no information provided about what the accident was), you immediately assume the driver is not at fault and there is no cover!
You’ve no idea about virtually all of us on here so to question us or tell us that we don’t do this or maybe if we did that - you just trolling!
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Dont forget this one just recently lol:

"Thanks for reinforcing the ‘uncaring owner/manager’ stereotype. :roll: "
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Dont forget this one just recently lol:

"Thanks for reinforcing the ‘uncaring owner/manager’ stereotype. :roll: "
Oh poor me :cry: …Owners, managers don’t care about me… :cry: :oops: …Be a man & get some self esteem & quit your repetitive self pity crying to shop owners…As usual, you’re accomplishing nothing doing so… Will you?! :x :roll: …

Let me ask you a questio grego…Do you care about them, the shop owners?.. :? …I know I don’t…When it comes to employers?..All I care about is getting paid…As long as my bosses hand works to sign my check?..The rest of him could be paralyzed for all I care…As long as they pay you the amount you’re willing to do the job for, why in all hell should they care about you!?..After all, you’re the one allowing it, since you’re doing it for subwages, not them…

Grego is part of the problem, not the solution…

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Really? So you can provide several quotes from several threads to support that statement?
I can tell you one thing. If I had a tiny, tiny fraction of the amount of people that do not agree or dislike you’re posts, I wouldn’t be here. Why would I, or anyone for that matter, want to be in a place that theyre not wanted or welcome? hmmm…

Get a clue.

The King of England had major problems with what the colonists had to say. In the end, it turned out pretty good for the colonists.

Change takes time sometimes.
The King of England had major problems with what the colonists had to say. In the end, it turned out pretty good for the colonists.

Change takes time sometimes.
That has got to be one of the most bizarre and irrelevant statement I have ever ever seen on a board.

YOU had little credibility to start with and trying to link ‘your’ situation to that historic event is farcical at the least.

If that really is the best that you can come up with then I think this exchange is over as I will waste no more of my time on someone who lives in cloud cuckoo land.

{I see you made it into PMQ albeit into the letters section and as the topic rather than a contributor - get the hint!}
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That’s just it. You and confuse my credibility with that of the FLSA and the DOL. Attacking the messenger so to speak.

As much as some might dislike it, I am getting information about the law out and speaking out from a drivers point of view.
Wizzle Wassell:
{I see you made it into PMQ albeit into the letters section and as the topic rather than a contributor - get the hint!}
Employees who know the law and their rights under labor laws can be frustrating to some. Of course for those who comply with the law it’s a non issue.
More cops die in the line of duty than drivers do. That’s the simple truth. If anyone should complain about the inequities of the job and the relative lack of pay, it’s cops. I’m uneasy when police officers ask me how we do financially, because any good full time driver makes DOUBLE what a rookie police officer does. Most drivers are prosaic about this, and the ups and downs associated with the job, but there IS a certain faction of driver that will always channel their inner “clubhouse lawyer.” For what it’s worth, I manage, but I still drive at least one day a week. I KNOW what drivers face, whether it be serial stiffers, creeps, philanderers, violent drunks, bad weather, etc.
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Lets make all guns illegal…oh wait a second, only law abiding citizens will obey that law…doh!
All I can say to that one is that where I live we have very strict gun controls, hand guns are illegal, and funnily enough shootings are very very rare unlike in the US!
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Wizzle Wassell:
Lets make all guns illegal…oh wait a second, only law abiding citizens will obey that law…doh!
All I can say to that one is that where I live we have very strict gun controls, hand guns are illegal, and funnily enough shootings are very very rare unlike in the US!
I’m not totally against the idea of gun control, but gun control won’t work in the United States. Where I live there is very little gun violence, but a huge gun culture. I live in Kansas. … per-capita

Most gun violence in America is centered around urban areas and exist in areas that have strict gun control, such as Chicago, St Louis, and DC. I personally own 2 guns, a shotgun ( I hunt quail and pheasant or used to anyway) and a .22 caliber rifle. To the more extreme my brother used to own a semi-auto ak47 and also owns a bushmaster (cheap m16). I don’t really want to get into politics, but I personally feel gun violence is rare. I have been around gun hobbyists my entire life and have never witnessed any gun violence or even any accidents. The worst thing I have ever seen was about 8 years, when a fellow hunter accidentally shot his dog and yes the dog survived, in fact it limped back to us right after getting shot, then we took it to the truck and took the bbs out of it.
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It made me chuckle to hear that in the United States ‘gun violence is rare’. I suspect it depends on one’s definition of ‘rare’. By no means an event that happens to every person every day . . . but I struggle with ‘rare’ when I watch the nightly local news and read newspapers.
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I do not want to start a big political argument or something here but there are so many factors that have to be taken into account when looking at crime statistics around the world. Yes the US has its fair share of gun violence but we also have the most diverse makeup of any country anywhere. We also have close to 400 million people. We have a very large country as far as size goes and a very unsecure country that needs improvement to help curb this violence. Personally I support gun ownership rights and think criminals would think twice if they had to think about more legally armed citizens around them. Our law enforcement in this country is staffed at about 25% of where it should be. It is way under trained and way under equiped. I have many friends that work from local police departments all the way to government level agencies and they all complain about the exact same stuff. I feel sorry at how tied their hands are most the time and the lack of support they get from most everyone. Gun control only hurts law obiding citizens. Criminals do not usually head down to register their new purchases last time I checked. Also with the economy being as it is, the number of idiots that have weapons and want the easy money of a quick robbery are going up as expected. It’s sad but it’s the world we live in. Guns are not the problem, it is society as a whole that needs to work on improving the lives of all US citizens. If we can improve the basic lifestyle of the majority of the population the violence checks itself. Oh, and no I do not mean do this by the government handing out or bailing out or supporting every last one of us! :!: