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Drug Testing?

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And you fired this kid just to get some teachers to buy pizza from you once in a while?

you obey the law? the law says that we have a right to privacy, you should respect other people’s privacy. Like someone else said, if they come to work clean and ready, I wouldn’t mind what they do after work as they shouldn’t mind what I do after work, but don’t get me wrong, if I saw an employee stoned while working thats a different matter, that could scare some clients. He should be warned and if repeated fired, but firing someone over a gossip or over a drug test is unethical and if you ask me, inhumane. Plus, if you’re willing to break the law and violate your employee’s right to privacy then what else are you capable of doing for a dollar?

I want to open a pizza shop, but I’m not leaving someone else jobless all of a sudden just because he smokes some pot on his day off.

I don’t know, maybe its just me, but I find that intrusive, I like my privacy.
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And you fired this kid just to get some teachers to buy pizza from you once in a while?

you obey the law? the law says that we have a right to privacy, you should respect other people’s privacy. Like someone else said, if they come to work clean and ready, I wouldn’t mind what they do after work as they shouldn’t mind what I do after work, but don’t get me wrong, if I saw an employee stoned while working thats a different matter, that could scare some clients. He should be warned and if repeated fired, but firing someone over a gossip or over a drug test is unethical and if you ask me, inhumane. Plus, if you’re willing to break the law and violate your employee’s right to privacy then what else are you capable of doing for a dollar?

I want to open a pizza shop, but I’m not leaving someone else jobless all of a sudden just because he smokes some pot on his day off.

I don’t know, maybe its just me, but I find that intrusive, I like my privacy.
Must be short term memory loss, where did I say I fired him? He quit and it had nothing to do with weed or the school.

To the best of my knowledge I have only invaded one employees right to privacy. That was the guy that was selling bags of weed at work. I violated the crap out of his rights and flushed his supply down the toilet. I violated his right not to be bounced off a cinder block wall. I also violated his freedom of assembly because I told him that if I ever saw him near the store or any of my employees I would hurt him severely. That was back when I was more tolerant and I had warned him about it once. Now I am less tolerant, but also have a better temperment.

I wish you luck in your shop, but with this approach to drugs, I don;t have much hope for yor success. Tolerating someone that would come to work stoned sends a bad message to your good employees and your customers.
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Here we have pre-employment screenings at the local hospital and we have random drug screenings through our HR department - they purchase these cups with sensors on the side and if you pee dirty you go to the hospital for a followup. I’ve heard of more than one instance where people were sent to the hospital for the drug screening and we never heard from them again - didn’t even have to pay for the test.

I don’t think we have anything for alcohol unless they are drunk or drinking at work.
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Now who has short term memory loss? I said, “if I saw an employee stoned during work, thats a different matter”, I would make him quit with the cheap lowering his hours trick, or some other way, ASAP, because that scares clients out of my store and damages my reputation, but if he uses pot away from work, I could care less, I don’t feel I have the power to dictate how he has to behave on his personal life. As long as he comes to work on time and clean(not drugged) what he does with his life is not my business.

So to simplify:

by my standards.
NOT OK: Using drugs prior or during work.
OK: Using drugs after work or in his free days.

I guess it all depends on personal standards and your stance(acceptance level) on the drug issue. Some people hate drugs without reason, others love them, others had bad experiences and don’t approve of it, others tolerate it as long as it doesn’t affect them, others don’t even want to hear it, others approve of it but don’t use, some even use drugs and claim they hate drugs(like some politicians), etc…

Where is your stance on the issue? if you don’t mind answering.
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My stance is that if one of my employees gets arrested . . . on the job or at home . . . using illicit drugs, then my alcohol license becomes vulnerable for review. My restaurant comes under scrutiny and my reputation is questioned. I can say for certain that I will lose business for a period of time due to people thinking I condoned that activity. They willwonder what illegal activities I allow to happen IN my place of business, and if their food and health is actually safe. These are real life business issues I have to consider.

Right to privacy is a crucial element of a free society . . . . and it is not abolute, nor without responsibilities. When your right to privacy intrudes on my right to operate a safe and respected venture, then you are no longer a valued employee. You become a liability. I personally believe that criminal activites are not one’s right to be held private.

EXAMPLE: If I perpetrate mail fraud in the privacy of my own home and not at work, is my employer entitled to turn me in and fire me? How about serial murders? Prostitution? Where does criminal activity performed in one’s own home become more important that superior to that “right to provacy”.

Now, let’s add public health into the mix and ask the same question: When does public health become more important than one’s right to privacy and use of drugs? Ever?
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