Wellll, we don’t recommend tempering the dough TO room temperature, what we normally recommend is tempering it AT room temperature for about 2-hours prior to using it to make dough skins. I just got back from conducting an oven evaluation and we followed my printed, dough management procedure to the letter, then, on the following day, we allowed the dough to temper at room temperature for 2.5-hours before we began opening the dough balls up into thin crust skins, dressing and baking them as soon as we had them opened. Dough performance was, as the British say “spot on”, the dough was easy to open, the edges were great, and the best part, no bubbles, or blisters, and no docking, just great looking, and eating pizzas all day long.
If you don’t allow the dough to temper for a period of time after you take it out of the cooler, be prepared do get in some time with the bubble popper. Every dough is a little different, some may be ready to go in as little as an hour, especially smaller size dough balls (mine were 10 and 14-ounces), while others will take a little more than 2-hours, as mine did this past week. I normally pull a box of dough out of the cooler and begin making pizzas every 15-minutes from the dough balls until I determine what tempering time is working best for the conditions in a particular store. Once you have that information, all you need to do is to control the finished dough temperature, and get the dough cut, balled, and into the cooler as quickly as possible and that time will remain appropriate. If it isn’t correct on any one day, for whatever reason, it will tell you so by the presence of bubbles, if that happens, just begin docking the dough until you get a little more tempering time on it, then you should be able to stop docking it. Also, once the tempering period is right, you wil have a window of opportunity to use the dough of about 3 to 4-hours (all the while keeping the dough covered at room temperature. This is assuming you have a shop at about 70 to 75F. If you shop is warmer, your opportunity to use the dough will be shorter.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor