My staff is dedicated and does a good job. For the most part they are very friendly with each other and involved in each others life. I have always hired based upon personality. It has resulted in a nice friendly atmosphere in our store.
My questions is this: what do you do to reward your employees?
We give a small cash bonus 2x a year currently. I am thinking about once a month having a bowling night for the entire staff with some chinese food. I want to reward their effort, and continue to foster the positive attitude in our business.
I would like feedback on your experiences with his type of relationship. Do any of you do anything such as this? What problems or success have you experienced?
My staff is dedicated and does a good job. For the most part they are very friendly with each other and involved in each others life. I have always hired based upon personality. It has resulted in a nice friendly atmosphere in our store.
My questions is this: what do you do to reward your employees?
We give a small cash bonus 2x a year currently. I am thinking about once a month having a bowling night for the entire staff with some chinese food. I want to reward their effort, and continue to foster the positive attitude in our business.
I would like feedback on your experiences with his type of relationship. Do any of you do anything such as this? What problems or success have you experienced?
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