Having expectations of each job outlined in a job application would be the first thing, I would think, to ensure employee morale.
Nothing like someone new to pizza expecting to get off at 8 p.m. on Friday night during a rush and are still there at 10 p.m.
They need to know this stuff happens occasionally.
Let the drivers know up front they’re going to be responsible for mopping floors, doing dishes, folding boxes…whatever it is you have your drivers do when they’re not on the road.
Let your cooks know they need to cross train to be able to run a cash register or answer the phone from time to time.
As for keeping it “fun”…well, not everyone loves to work in pizza…to them, it’s just a job. As my boss said today…out of every 10 employees he hires…only 1 or 2 will “get it” and actually stay on.
With him, however, he allows the radio to be on, is a little looser on the clothing policy (like I love to wear funky, striped socks to work) than others, and he “plays” with the “kids” in a way that motivates them without feeling like they’re being bossed.
Free food also increases the morale. Why not let any employee you have be able to take home a free small pizza after work…not just the closer or the ones who work more than 4 hours? In this economy…and the hours we work…free food is everything. At least it is to me, as a mom of 2.
I hope any of this rant helps. LOL