Exclusive Pepsi account


Do any of you guys have an exclusive deal with Pepsi and if so do you get a yearly rebate check? Also do you mind sharing your pricing for 20 ounce, 2 liter and bag in box.

Thank you.
We’re exclusive with Coke, currently. Just chiming in because we used to get a rebate check but it was such a mess getting it that we decided to forego that and take it as weekly pricing discounts. Pepsi may be on our radar in March though
I am on the last month of a 5yr contract but seriously considering purchasing my own 3dr cooler and using Costco for cans & RD for 2L going forward bc the pricing is getting out of control with annual 5% increases. Current pricing $26.85 20oz, $14.45 2L, $15.35 Aquafina, $15.25 Pure Leaf. My last contract included a $1/case rebate and a $5K/yr rebate as long as I sold > 2K cases per year. They used to be good with other perks like delivery bags & tickets to sporting events/concerts but that dried up too.
My issue with buying my own cooler is that is one more thing to have to drive around and pick up. But I could get there. Pepsi right now has zero cups. Doesn’t have Orange Crush, No Mug Root Beer, both popular flavors. They had a run where i couldn’t get Pepsi or WCP. I’m talking to Coke buyers, same shit different day for them…
I hear you but I crunched some numbers and on Poland Spring water alone I can make a small fortune and payback a brand new cooler in months. My dad needs something to do to stay busy so this will be his pet project since he does not play golf. I am sick of being tied to these corporations so I am going to give it a shot.
Have you thought about going to an RC Cola type brand? I know of at least one professional sports team around me that has done it
I’m in upstate NY, north of Albany.
Cans - 12.95
2 liter - 14.25
20 oz - 27.95 I discontinued these based on cost and value
Aquafina 16.9 - 8.95
PLeaf 12pk - 16.50
BIB 3gal - 55.50 / 5gal - 92.50
Up to 10% rebate IF I carry all the products that they demand.
I’m with famouseperry, getting my own cooler and becoming a free agent.
Then I can purchase whatever I want, 16.9 are half the price at supermarkets and cans are 8-$10. When it is not convenient to pick it up, I will have Pepsi deliver.
Update: (somebody liked this and it showed up again). Switched to Coke since this post. They offered me a killer deal of rebates and their pricing was what I was paying Pepsi approx 3 yrs earlier. I am glad that I do not have to run to Costco, etc like I was planning on. Other perks were delivery bags and a shiny new 3 door cooler with swing doors that I love.
What happened to me was they kept raising their minimum order to the point that I couldn’t store the pop and couldn’t sell it before the ‘expiration’ date. SO I switched to Pepsi. I’d switch to ANYONE who could understand I’m in the pizza business not in the soda pop business
We are with Coke and the $250 min order kills me. Ordering every 2 or 3 weeks in order to hit the min. I love playing the game of how close I can get to the min though. LOL
We are in a center with Kroger. When I first switched, I had customers that wouldn’t take a free Pepsi included in the combo, and would run down to Kroger to get a 2 liter of Coke. It was just a few customers, but, boy, where they vocal. It stop after a couple months.