Exclusive Pepsi account

Speaking of Pepsi/Coke, anyone have a good solution for the fountain pop drain getting clogged with sugar sludge? I seem to be cleaning this more and more lately. It used to be 1x every 2-3 weeks, now? it’s getting towards daily…
If you sell coffee you could take hot water from the water tap used for tea and dump that down the drain, that’s about 209° and will eat away at that sludge. If not, run some water in a tin through your oven once or twice and dump it down. Hot water will dissolve the sugar and clear it up
I asked STEVE in a pm about coke vs pepsi a year ago. He told me 90% don’t care. 8% pefer one but will drink the other and 2% are crazy people who have religious beliefs to Pepsi or coke. thats wisdom
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My area is definetly a coke area. I go to the grocery store to get the cans. the coke is selling out at full price $7,99, and pepsi is sitting there 3 for $11. I am a 90% guy.
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I love selling Coca Cola. I am brainwashed. I feel so proud when asked do you have Pepsi or Coke and I get to say Coke!

Even though I cant drink any of it Diabetic.
Coke is almost the Grande of soda.

I had Pepsi from 2014-2019 during that time Pepsi didnt mind that I wanted to sell Poland Spring in my Pepsi cooler, they encouraged me to go to Walmart/Sams Club to get my cans when I sold them.

Coke on the other hand, if I run out of Dasani even when they couldn’t get it to me, if they see my cooler with any other water, Ill have 3 ascending mangers showing up.
In my opinion its all about your local distributor and how they are run. I was coke for 10 years, then Heartland bought our distributor. It seemed like they were actively trying to get away from non chain accounts. Switched to pepsi. Locally owned distributor, who is much more supportive and 10x easier to order and deal with. 91.70 5 gal bib price
Coke (Abarta) in our area was awful in the past year or so. Never wanted to send a rep for the order to be placed, as was in our contract. We were with them for about 12 years. Switched to Pepsi, got a much better deal and signing bonus, no volume clause for extra $$ to us at the end of each contract year. Coke low balled us because we were with them for so long. I haven’t seen a difference in cases ordered. It’s about the same
I dealt with a lot of those issues especially the reps not showing up to do the order.

Honestly what is the point of having a rep? What is their actual job…punching my order in a handheld tablet? I could be minimizing, anytime I ask for something it has go up the line then I get an answer.

Overall Pepsi treated me great, The bottling plant would order from us all the time big orders too.

Coke orders from us all the time too also huge orders.

All in all theyre the generally the same, I do sell more soda than ever but that could be bc I sell more of everything than ever