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Facebook wants you to advertise with them

I have run a few adds. You can set it up to advertise your page for around $5 a day. You set the budget and demographics. They give some good reports that let you know if your ad is working and you can stop, re start, or change the ad at any time.

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I have Face Book and My Space but my main focus is on Twitter. I farm email accounts which I use for my VIP emails on Websites2go, an awesome marketing tool. I post links to my website and my twitter account. I use Twitter for last minute VIP specials if something is about to turn I can blow it out at 40% and sell out of it by nights end.
I haven’t used it in a restaurant setting but I’ve used in the bar/nightclub scene with great success. It might work well for a instant special like you’re describing. They charge 2 cents a text message.
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You have to get 100 friends first in order to be able to get a custom url, like Facebook.
Okay, I finally figured out how facebook does vanity urls. I searched around but didn’t find an explanation here in the Think Tank. From my reading it looks like they changed the rules a couple times recently, but I found a link that explains how they do it now.

Go to There you will have to enter a cell-phone number to which they will text a comfirmation code. After you enter the code, you will have the option to do a one-time change to a vanity url.

So our facebook page is finally just instead of that nightmare of numbers we had before.
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1st suggestion (tho I’m still a novice) is to change your “landing” page, perhaps to a photo or previously run ad, then build up friends & get a vanity url

Good Luck!
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I’m a Facebook noob. When you make a new event it shows up on your wall. Do I need to “share” the event for my facebook followers to actually be informed about it, or do they hear about it through the wall update? Or do people turn off wall updates? Or… I’m so lost.
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1st, is your page a personal profile w/your company name, or is it a real Fan Page over a personal profile…

Fan Pages are great in acquiring mass quantities of Fans, but keeping in contact with them is weaker than a group or personal page…

All events must have guests/friends invited…Fan Pages can “update” their fans & it shows on their walls, whereas events show up in the event stack (commonly viewed as spam)

One trick is to build a Fan Base & a Friend base, attached to that profile under the Fan page - then create an event…invite friends, then send them a message, as that will then appear in their inbox…

At this stage, I’m building a Fan base, Friends under that Fan page & a group - those Fans/Friends who have actually tasted my product…all friend/group profiles have a 5K limit…Fan pages have no limit, but are harder to corral…

There is a nifty product on the horizon that will/may cull Fan page friends/Fans, but not yet…
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Late to this conversation but one of the first things we did after closing on building we’ve bought was to set up a Facebook page. We’re a pretty small town and this has allowed us to do a decent amount of “covert marketing” as we use this medium to whet everyone’s appetite during our build-out. We went from 0 to over 190 “friends” in like a week or so and we’re adding every day. As you can see if you hit the page, we’ve also started to solicit employment applications via our page, that’s work remarkably well so far. The plan is to continue to drop in teaser photos and notes in the next few weeks as our project moves forward. I have little doubt that on opening night we’ll be packed, most places are, but we’re going to be doing some cool things just announced to our “friends” first to acknowledge their loyalty.

Big fan of the Facebook!

check me out at
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indie pizza:
Pretty sure the facebook TOS say that you can’t have a personal page for a business, nor are you allowed to use a personal page for marketing (this one is broken all the time though). That’s why it’s rejecting your name. My bar I owned until last year was deleted because of this.

Daddio and your competitors have managed to slip in under the radar. … ess&ref=hq
How do I create a business account?
You may create a business account if you don’t already have a standard Facebook account. To get started, you will need to first create a Facebook Ad or Facebook Page. Once you’ve entered in the required information, you will be taken to the “Facebook Login” page and asked if you have a Facebook account. If you do not currently have a Facebook account, then at this point, please select “I do not have a Facebook account.” You will then need to enter your email address and date of birth.

Please be aware that managing multiple accounts is a serious violation of Facebook’s Terms of Use. If we determine that an individual has more than one account, we reserve the right to terminate all of their accounts.

More “business FAQ” … ess&ref=hq

Dominos FB page:
Papa Johns FB:
Pizza Hut FB: