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foodtec pos

I have it. Its Awesome.

Credit Cards, Web Ordering, Maps, Video Surveillence, Gift Cards, inventory, pretty much does everything. Worth Every penny.
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We have Foodtec solutions! RobT is right it is an awesome system. ONE of our favorite things is the mapping system. I used to hate running the oven and routing drivers but now it is a breeze. I also love the fact I can sit at home and monitor what is going on, so if we get busy I can be on my way before I get the call!! We have been in business for 20 years and this is the best investment we have ever made. Lisa
I utilize foodtec in my one store and I have contracted with them for my second location. Very easy to use and also very easy to manipulate on my own.
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I ran in the high teens my first store. That included 4 terminals, 4 screens, 3 cash drawers, 3 thermal printers, 4 impact printers, keyboards, mice, 4 credit card swipes. I haven’t had a problem with any piece of equipment since I got it. Their support is also excellent!
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I ran in the high teens my first store. That included 4 terminals, 4 screens, 3 cash drawers, 3 thermal printers, 4 impact printers, keyboards, mice, 4 credit card swipes. I haven’t had a problem with any piece of equipment since I got it. Their support is also excellent!
yikes…thats steep…probably nice though…mine was about $4000 total

3-19 inch flat screen 1 15 inch flat 4 computers 3 are ordering terminals and one is a kitchen monitor…label printer,receipt printer a web site…seemless online ordering… but I am sure it is not as refined as your system.

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Sal…how does the web ordering work for you. I spoke to Andrew at the AC show and he told me we need to get on it. What did he charge you to setup the web ordering? Have you had any problems with it?
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Mhy internet orders are now about 10-20 per day… no problems really at all…

it takes a while to grow interenet but its great business…

its seemless with my POS system

go to to see my free site

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I spent about an hour with the guys from revention at the AC show. Seems like a great system but didn’t seem easily customizable after you get it. The one thing I love about Foodtec is that if someone consistently orders something that is kind of unique, it takes me about 30 seconds to add a button so this way the order gets made to their liking everytime. The mapping and marketing software with Revention seemed ahead of everyone. It was between revention and foodtec for my second store and I chose foodtec primarily because I am so familiar with them and I can make an exact duplicate of my first store to use in store #2. That’s just my two cents!
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porky's pizza:

what pos do you use?
I use I got a free website I pay $50 month
for web server etc…software is like $700 I bought my own hardware…

Is it the best in the world…probably not…can I do 20K + per week with it
?? no problem…

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i am about to have online ordering done for my store from foodtec… i think its about $700 upfront costs… and $35 a month for up to 25 orders. After 25 orders, its 3% of the sale.
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i am about to have online ordering done for my store from foodtec… i think its about $700 upfront costs… and $35 a month for up to 25 orders. After 25 orders, its 3% of the sale.
thats where they get you… 3% of the sale is a rip-off…I pay flat fee $50 a month

if I had to pay foodtec…3% I;d be paying $300 a month already…too much to give them that…then you give the credit card company another
2+ percent (most of my online orders are credit card.)…now your out
5% + I work too hard to give away money…I’ll stick with…( I am not paid or an employee of this company) just a customer
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Its 1 less person i have to hire to answer the phone and take an order. If you doing $2500 a week in online ordering, $75 to pay them doesn’t seem expensive, to generate that much sales.

Does your website integrate through your POS system, or does it fax over the order, then you have to put it through your POS?

With Foodtec, it goes right into your POS.
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Its 1 less person i have to hire to answer the phone and take an order. If you doing $2500 a week in online ordering, $75 to pay them doesn’t seem expensive, to generate that much sales.

Does your website integrate through your POS system, or does it fax over the order, then you have to put it through your POS?

With Foodtec, it goes right into your POS.
it goes right into my POS system…$50 a month unlimited orders…
keep in mind FOODTEC does not generate the sale…YOU DO! YOU HAVE TO pay to advertise…YOU make the customer happy…YOU do all the work…YOU BOUGHT THE SOFtware AND SYSTEM…BUT you still HAVE TO PAY a %? that is robbery at its finest…then your hooked in the system and the rate goes to 4% then 5% ???

I will be at $20,000 a month ONLINE in NOV dEc…thats $600 A MONTH…food tec
$50 month Superdeliver…hmmm That will buy me a nice new vehicle for life…or mail additional 4-5000 flyers saying you take online orders…hey its your money…IM just saying there are alternatives…
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i thought food tec had a pretty good mapping system. doesn’t revention use MS maps? They aren’t that current.
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