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Garlic Butter in Dough Recipe


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I’ve been thinking about adding garlic butter into our dough, has anyone done this? How does it affect the way the dough rises and cooks? Can you taste a difference?
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The only thing I’d be concerned about is having fresh garlic in the dough,
I would think it would affect the structure, ad there may be a little risk involved with bacterial growth. These are just my guesses, maybe I am wrong.
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We use a spice pack that we put with our butter. I think it would a great flavor, just dont want to make a whole batch to try one or two pies!
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I like to sometimes add fresh garlic to olive oil, let it infuse, strain out the fresh garlic and use that oil for the dough. It adds a very subtle touch. Walter
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Yhy not buy a commercial garlic flavored butter oil and paint it on the outer crust edge both before and immediately after baking? This will give you a very pronounced buttery-garlic flavor on the finished crust, and you won’t have any food safety concerns either. Another option you have is to replace any oil/fat that you have in your dough formula with the garlic flavored butter oil, and then brush the edge of the baked crust with it immediately after baking. If you make your own garlic flavored butter/oil be sure to discard it at the end of each day. The microbial concern is clostridium which can be present in the garlic and then grow in the anaerobic environment of the oil. This problem doesn’t exist with a commercially prepared garlic infused oil or butter.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom: Is that true if you refrigerate the garlic infused oil after it is strained? I have been doing this for decades and never got ill. Thanks. Walter
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Tom: Is that true if you refrigerate the garlic infused oil after it is strained? I have been doing this for decades and never got ill. Thanks. Walter
C. Botulinum bacteria is virtually everywhere, and it produces the most deadly toxin known on earth. Heat will kill the bacteria, but it will not eradicate the toxins in the spores produced by the bacteria.
It requires an environment with minimal oxygen to produce the deadly spores/toxin.
Both Garlic & Potatoes are very high risk items if kept in a low/no oxygen environment such as oil, or wrapped in something to limit oxygen contact. It does not produce any unusual scent or flavor characteristics in tainted foods.
I am unsure about the strained oil posing a risk, I go by the safety rule “If in doubt, toss it out”
A decade or so ago, there was a chocolate sauce recipe floating around in Northern WI, many people were sickened by this chocolate sauce due to C. Botulinum contamination because people were storing it in canning jars that were not properly heat processed. Many thought the sugar content would negate any danger, I read the article and I was actually quite surprised. Then there was another incident with a restauranteur who used leftover baked potatoes to make a potato salad, she left them wrapped in foil, and on the counter overnight to cool, they sickened a bunch of people, luckily none had died.
Honey is allegedly loaded with C. Botulinum, but it typically only affects newborns and real young kids without fully developed immune systems.

Maybe it is possible to heat your strained oil to 400 degrees, and do not seal the container to negate any issues, but I personally would not chance it.
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Got Rocks in his above post said it very well. Straining the garlic out of the oil will not help in any way as the bacteria is already present in the oil due to adding the garlic, taking it out won’t lessen the contamination. It is not the spores that are so dangerous, but rather the toxins produced by the spores, and heating won’t impact the toxins produced by the spores. Better to be safe than sorry, the last time I checked, neither oil or garlic were very expensive, so I can’t come up with any rational reason to play Russian Roulette for a dollar or two.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Are we talking about commercially MAE processed or done in a home microwave?
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom, Just done in a microwave, not commercially processed. Can it be used up to one day?
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Yes, as long as you date the container and make sure it is used ONLY on the day it is made and then discarded at the end of the day. To do it any other way is like playing Russian roulette.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom, Thanks! I always throw it out at the end of the day. I sure don’t want to play Russian roulette. Does the same thing apply to pizza sauce that uses the same MAE method of infusing fresh garlic/oil/herbs? Does it also need thrown out at the end of the day if any is leftover, or can it be frozen?
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IF your pizza sauce is made with a traditional high acid tomato/tomato product you don’t need to discard the sauce at the end of the day but we do suggest that you not keep it in the fridge for more than 3 or 4-days on the outside due to the probability of getting some fermentation going on in the sauce. Freezing it should not be a problem either, but if you thin your sauce, if you can, pull out that which you plan to freeze before thinning with water. The reason for this is because when frozen, the tomato product will release copious amounts of water when thawed. This is why us home gardeners harvest the last of our tomatoes before they get hit by the first frost, which by the way was last week for us here in Kansas. Due to warm fall we had a lot of green tomatoes that had to be harvested too. We like to eat fried green tomatoes, but we had far too many so we made a bunch of green salsa that we store in the refrigerator, really good! Sorry to be off topic there.
One other thing to keep in mind with your sauce, if you add onion or garlic to the sauce be sure to really “nuke” it, you want it above 185F, not from a food safety stand point, but this will denature the enzymes in the onion and garlic keeping them from catalyzing the pectin in the tomato allowing it to turn into tomato jelly (actually, it’s pretty good too, but that’s another story) which then leads you to thinning the sauce with even more water and further diluting the flavor.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Tom, I use Saporito Super Heavy Pizza Sauce with basil and don’t add any water until extra sauce is needed. Any leftover amount is frozen at the end of each day, without any water. I think you know market is only one day a week. Any frozen pizza sauce is quickly used up the next week. I know home gardeners harvest the last of our tomatoes before they are hit by the first frost. We had frost a few weeks ago. The green salsa sounds great. I don’t want to get you to get to far off topic but I would like to know how you make green salsa. I do really nuke the garlic/herb/olive oil mixture. Thanks for telling me it should be “nuked” to above 185F. I didn’t know that. I never had a problem in turning the sauce to a jelly-like nature. I will check the temperature of the nuked garlic/herb/olive oil mixture from now on. Thanks for all of your help!
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Here is the green salsa recipe that we have been using for the past two years now.
2# cored and quartered green tomatoes (that’s 2# after coring)
1- large white onion chopped
15- sweet banana peppers or Hungarian wax peppers
1- green jalapeno pepper (use more only if you dare)
3- large garlic cloves chopped
20-sprigs of cilantro (chopped) or if you really like the cilantro add more to taste.
1-Tsp. sea salt
5- Tbsp. water
1- Tbsp. Lemon juice
1/4- Tsp. cumin

Combine in a large sauce pan and bring to a boil stirring constantly (that’s the only hard part).
When mixture comes to a boil cover the pan and turn down the heat to simmer for 10-minutes, stirring every minute or two (I know, it’s a pain)
Then add:
1/2 - Tsp. Lemon zest (zest from one small lemon will do)
1-Tsp. Sugar
Simmer for an additional 5-minutes.
Transfer to a food processor and “pluse” to a chunky consistency, or whatever your preference might be.
Transfer to plastic lidded containers. Actually, this recipe will make one full quart.
Store in the refrigerator for 3-days before using to allow for the melding of flavors.
Keeps for about a month in the refrigerator after opening. When we hot fill a container right to the top and then lid immediately and place in the refrigerator the unopened containers will keep for 6-weeks or more.
Since we love this salsa we use it on pork, beef, chicken, fish, and as a chip dip so it really doesn’t get a chance to last much more than a few weeks. We always put one aside for use over the Holidays when the family gets together. My oldest son loves it blended with some very ripe avocado as a dip, I have to admit, he might be onto something there.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I was just putting my green salsa recipe away when I noticed that I forgot to add 1.5 Tbsp. olive oil to the top part of the recipe.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Thanks so much for sharing your detailed recipe for the green salsa recipe! I agree, that you oldest son might be on to something if it blended with some very rip avocado as a dip. When I get some green tomatoes I will give it a try.
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