I have three friends in the New England area(Nashua,NH-Plymouth,MA) and have been to 6 Patriot games and 3 Red Sox games(1 vs Seattle where the Rocket actually batted !) in both Foxboro and Fenway respectively. My friends are very passionate Red Sox/Pats fans. We email regularly and I take two trips each year to visit. So I know how it is up there.Okay, I wanted to refrain from responding to this but, I just can’t.
Dude, you have NO clue how close and how incredible the fan network in New England is. Bandwagon? HAH.
You shouldn’t be offended by anything I said PizzaDiva. I was talking to RaymiR specifically and apologize if you thought I was claiming the entire NE area to be bandwagoneers.
Red Sox fans are a lot more dedicated and passionate then the Patriot fans are. They’ve always been behind their team Patriot fans have not. In the '90s you could call the stadium a week before a game and still get tickets… from the stadium ! But now that they’re winning everyone claims to have ALWAYS loved the Pats.
This is what drives my NE friends and myself crazy.
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