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I didn’t know Gobpile was a chick! That explains why everyone is so excited to help. Alot of times people get blown off on the boards. I guess if your a chick and ask the pizza guys to jump, they all will say how high.
Actually, if you’ll pay any attention, you’ll see that this particular thread was started by someone named “Kay”.

Otherwise, when it comes down to it, look at the questions asked, the methods used to ask the questions, and the information she originally gave the folks here. There was so much information in there and she was asking to be picked apart. Several folks picked apart different things she mentioned from the product, the pricing, and the labor. She also mentioned that she’s married and that her daughter and son-in-law are in business with them as well. So, the idea that her gender is the reason for the responses should pretty much be put to rest by now.
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Everyone getting a little over reacted? Why? Can’t handle the truth?
Cant handle rude naive idiots. Most people on this site are nice and giving. Why dont you find a site where there is more of your type. Maybe they will accpet you more as their “guest” Its funny even without your name we could tell your a man. Oh, and that you are definitely superior.
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Wow, thanks everyone - Bill and I are FOREVER in PMQ’s debt.

This message board has been the most wonderful thing to help us and hopefully our situation and the responses to it have helped others along the way.

I truly believe that we would have given up months ago if it hadn’t been for the support here, the great ideas, and the constructive critisisum.

The person with the comment, doesn’t even deserve a response. Bill and I know what wonderful people are here and we appreciate you all coming to bat for us . .

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Wow, thanks everyone - Bill and I are FOREVER in PMQ’s debt.

This message board has been the most wonderful thing to help us and hopefully our situation and the responses to it have helped others along the way.

I truly believe that we would have given up months ago if it hadn’t been for the support here, the great ideas, and the constructive critisisum.

The person with the comment, doesn’t even deserve a response. Bill and I know what wonderful people are here and we appreciate you all coming to bat for us . .

P.S. I wished I would have found this message board sooner, also at this point in my life, I do not like being called “CHICK”. I prefer “PIZZA CHICK”
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P.S. I wished I would have found this message board sooner, also at this point in my life, I do not like being called “CHICK”. I prefer “PIZZA CHICK”
If she had posted a picture, and she was a “Pizza Hottie”, then I can certainly see the aphorism of Male Chauvenist Pizzailoi being flung at us . . . though it would be no more accurate or correct. We actually have never seen Laura, her husband, her daughter nor any of the staff. Pictures of their place are on their website, though.
Everyone getting a little over reacted? Why? Can’t handle the truth?
Let’s not start talking about grabbing a rifle and standing a post. I believe we are “over reacted” because we have a real life friendship with these people and have invested ourselves in their lives and business. I certainly do handle it when I recognize it, though.

I’m sorry you didn’t get enough love when you posted your request or question to the Think Tank. If you try again . . . and register a login so we can see who we are “talking” to, we’ll try to be more gentle and accomodating.

<<<<<Who was it that said in the 'Tank recently: you gotta be thick skinned to survive in business, and that people taking easy offense are handicapped in the get-go?>>>>>
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That was rude and uncalled for

yeah. so what the H#LL is with the brandy and “Kay” think anyway. :? Do you expect us to just bow down and kiss your feet becasue you’re using TWO female names? I’ll have you know that we don’t play that here (at least not since we were recently busted).

You’ll show up and either be annonymous or use a male identity . . . or better yet, just float with no registered login to be an accountable member of the community. We’ll have none of tht female pandering for male favoritism anymore.

Wait. We’re allowed to offer whatever advice we want to whomever we want for whatever reason we should choose. I guess you can use three femal names and a silent Q if you choose, because we are not bound by any stereotypes of behavior or discrimination. (BTW, I chose to discriminate against people on an individual basis based on decorum or lack thereof . . . you want my advise or viewpoint, you gotta treat people nice)
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Sounds like some of the changes are really gonna pay off. Good for you and Bill to take some time off and refresh.

I love the idea of more “table service” your place is nice from the pics you had I think it is a GREAT idea.

Awesome idea with the campground. Keep it going with them, they will help you sell your product just by being a fan.

I’m sure things still have their moments but I can tell you are "emotionally " in a different spot-even if it is just for today.
The good news really gets me excited and motivated to stay motivated.

Are you anywhere by highway 55? We are going through Illinois in August on our way to Michigan-thought it would be fun to stop and say hello? I think we take 55 to Chicago and then 80?

Anyway, good for you and Bill and glad you and dear hubby are still in it together, it’s a tough business.

Nick, Maybe you should get off the think tank and actually get your store open 😃


Sounds like some of the changes are really gonna pay off. Good for you and Bill to take some time off and refresh.

I love the idea of more “table service” your place is nice from the pics you had I think it is a GREAT idea.

Awesome idea with the campground. Keep it going with them, they will help you sell your product just by being a fan.

I’m sure things still have their moments but I can tell you are "emotionally " in a different spot-even if it is just for today.
The good news really gets me excited and motivated to stay motivated.

Are you anywhere by highway 55? We are going through Illinois in August on our way to Michigan-thought it would be fun to stop and say hello? I think we take 55 to Chicago and then 80?

Anyway, good for you and Bill and glad you and dear hubby are still in it together, it’s a tough business.

We are just off of Interstate 57, exit 71. We are about 350 miles South of Chicago. Thanks for the words of encouragement! 😃
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Nick, Maybe you should get off the think tank and actually get your store open 😃
On the Think Tank (typing wayyy too many responses) AND have my store open.

Living large in Grantville, Georgia; and following Gob-Pile Pizza’s example of tanacity and dedication to the dream. I owe way more than $60,000, but I’m selling pizzas again.
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See. This is what makes this message board great. Knowing that you pitched in and everyone came together to help Gobpile keep it going, is priceless.
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who the heck is that?? maybe an idiot looking for attention cuz he didn’t get enough as a child… figures he posts as a GUEST cuz he doesn’t have the O O to register and show identity… anyways with that out of the way Gobpile hang in there, you have the right attitude, heart and a PMQ family to help you with advise you need… it’s good to hear from you and bill…

Damn, you are learning. I see it in your text. Keep working at it. I felt your passion when you posted you were closing and I KNEW you would hang in there and get the hubby back on base.

My Prayers are with you and don’t stop Praying. God rolls you places, roll with it.

You still want to sell, you still are open. Keep going. It will work out and when you do sell, you will sell something YOU built : )