I heard The Godfather is shutting down 99% of its stores on January 1st.
I heard that all 94 stores in Washington State, except one in covington that does $25,000 a week is closing. Does anyone have a contact with that company, I imagine there will be allot of cheap leases available, and cheap used equipment too.
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Sounds like an unfounded roumor to me. A quick google search brought up nothing, and if I was going to close a shop, I would put out the message and have a big “Closing Next Month” fire sale to milk the last drops from the business.

I haven’t heard anything about that. I looked at their website and everything seemed normal. They’re actually hiring from what I gathered. I guess we’ll see what happens if and when it happens. -J_r0kk
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Their pizza has been overpriced and lousy for 20 yrs. Its amazing they are still in business.

They are definatly going out of business. I go to the local auction here where I live and they are cataloging everying right now to sell off in the new year.
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That just sounds odd to me. I’m not saying there’s no possibility that it’s not true, but they’ve got 572 stores and producing sales of $320,000,000. Guys, that’s $10,758.47/week per store on the average. That sure does look pretty solid to me. Was there a lawsuit or something I haven’t heard about? I know they’ve sold off a few underproducing stores… but ALL of them? -J_r0kk
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I know that Pizza Ranch has bought alot of the Godfathers in the state of Iowa,Im thinking that they have sold all of them to Pizza Ranch,
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I dont think the sale volume is the problem, I think their entire model is the problem. Most any Godfathers is way too big in size and they dont advertise for crap.

Pizza isnt Caesars bad, but it sure isnt worth the expensive price they ask. I recall a few where I used to live that had a lunch buffet, what a joke that was.

Godfathers needs managment who takes more initiative and wants to remake the brand.

Caesars went through similar issues of laziness and slowing sales, closing stores, but they went in and re-invented themselves and saved the brand.
I don’t believe the rumor that they’re closing 99% of their stores in the next week. That just seems a little bit absurd.

But, I have to agree with the post above. The pizza is too expensive for it’s level of quality. And, like stated above they are normally HUGE restaurants. I think the one nearest us is something like 3,000 square feet. There’s nobody ever in there though.
I have a close aquaintance who supplies Godfathers Pizza with there computer systems. He told me that Godfather’s is closing. I think he should know. He receives $360 a year from every Godfathers for software support. He told me the V.P. of Operations is not a pizza guy, but he’s calling the shots, and they are shutting it all down. I don’t know the reasoning.
But remember about 7 years ago when all the Little Ceasars in Washington State closed on New Years Eve. They shut down 38 store in one swoop.
Two years ago they had planned to re-tool, and re-locate themselves. There intent was to move into the DELCO market, and get away from the full-service restaurant, just like Pizza Hut has been doing for the last 10 years.
I guess we’ll have to wait and see!!!
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