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Goodbye and Good Riddance Revention!


New member
Beyond frustrated and beyond done with them… But I’m here posting in celebration because we are switching companies! Signed contract with Speedline and should be switched over by mid August! You may ask “what if Speedline isn’t better”? I’ll say, IT CANT BE WORSE … Why am I starting this thread you ask? I figured we all need a place to go to commiserate about issues pertaining to POS companies and in all seriousness we can help each other keep these businesses in check when they underperform their promises. After all, we’re here to help each other right? ( for the most part anyway lol )

I’d be happy to answer any questions about our experiences with Revention.
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Man, I’m going the exact same route (revention to speedline)… I hope that you tell me in a few weeks that speedline is a godsend and that it completely destroys revention, because I’m beyond tired of switching POS companies every 3 or 4 years! Before I got revention I was so excited, just like I am now about with the idea of switching to speedline!
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So are you just cutting your losses on the investments you have put into pos systems? Expensive change to make…where does the cost get justified?

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Speedline can use almost all of the same hardware that Revention uses. So it is really just a software purchase, install and maybe some minor hardware changes (i know this because i am also in the process of moving off Revention and Speedline is one of two companies i am considering).
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D9phoenix nailed it. All the hardware is usable! It’s still a pricey transition but now I’ll be able to run reports without the computers shutting down! Now we’ll have google maps driven delivery mapping that actually updates new streets and neighborhoods. Revention didn’t update once in 4 years!
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Beyond frustrated and beyond done with them… But I’m here posting in celebration because we are switching companies! Signed contract with Speedline and should be switched over by mid August! You may ask “what if Speedline isn’t better”? I’ll say, IT CANT BE WORSE … Why am I starting this thread you ask? I figured we all need a place to go to commiserate about issues pertaining to POS companies and in all seriousness we can help each other keep these businesses in check when they underperform their promises. After all, we’re here to help each other right? ( for the most part anyway lol )

I’d be happy to answer any questions about our experiences with Revention.
Curious what exactly you hate about revention? I’ve read that their customer service is horrible, but the system itself seems pretty legit.
I used speedline at my previous job before I went off on my own and it’s a great system. We would have problems every now and then, but 99% of the time we would call tech support and they would log onto our system remotely and fix the problem right away.
On a side note, I really wish these POS companies would be more transparent with their pricing.
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Curious what exactly you hate about revention? I’ve read that their customer service is horrible, but the system itself seems pretty legit.
I used speedline at my previous job before I went off on my own and it’s a great system. We would have problems every now and then, but 99% of the time we would call tech support and they would log onto our system remotely and fix the problem right away.
On a side note, I really wish these POS companies would be more transparent with their pricing.
Mapping system hasn’t been updated in the 4 years we’ve been working with them causing dozens of delivery issues a day.

Terrible customer service. Literally threatened by a staff member there that they would shut our system down if we ever posted any dissatisfaction on these message boards.

Bogs down every day eventough we bought there $2000 extra hard drive that they said fix all issues.

Cannot run any report that includes more than a day or two of information. System locks up and we have to restart the computers.

Driver cashouts at the end of the night can sometimes take up to 30 mins per driver because the system runs so slow. Again, their only fix was the $2000 extra hard drive.

We’ve had orders disappear from the screen.

These are just a few things that I’m aware of from the Administration side. Our operations managers could add much more I’m afraid.

Just for reference. We did around 4 million in sales at our 1st store last year and are on track for another 2-2.5 million at a second store that we opened in January. Both are in the same city. Could this be a volume issue on Revention end? Unfortunately nobody knows. Not even Revention.
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If you pay for the tech support, I don’t feel the customer service is bad. I have had some really great reps (Andrew, maybe others, can’t remember now) make fixes to my system. Even going above and beyond and trying to fix a totally jacked up computer that we have that is an install over an awful refurbished computer we bought before Revention. It is impossible to get the fingerprint reader to work on this computer no matter what. Not sure why.
However, I do feel like I have been mislead a few times where they have tried to tell me I “have” to update my mobile apps ($500 each) or “have” to switch to their credit card processor. In the end the app update would be nice - new features - but the BS about required updates for google and apple were false. Also frustrated that I have been told that they will not update / fix / add reports to the POS. What you have is what you get. If I want new ones I can request it - and they might add it to enterprise ($50 per month!). For 1 location that doesn’t make sense right now.
I do like their online ordering. Works well overall. Love the fact that it is a flat fee ($79) and is totally integrated.
Working with Revention (all POS companies I am sure) really makes me ponder how us, as pizza shop owners, can get into the subscription business. Charge our special customers $X per month and they get X. Use it or lose it. We are paying for customer support every month - even if we don’t use it. Same thing if you have a carwash.
Would love to have the driver tracking feature. Not sure how it saves me $99 per month by having it though.
We are not close to the volume of Karl’s, so I cannot speak to the slowdowns. Some reports do take a long time to load and sometimes the POS crashes. None are perfect though.
Menu updates are easy. Lots of other features. Haven’t played around with other “big” POS’s, so I can’t do an apples to apples comparison.
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Over the last few years Speedline has spent the bulk of their time and energy re-writing their underling software code to keep up with all PCI and other boring stuff. While some of their features may be slightly behind some other companies ( Driver on the road tracking ) their system does work day in and day out. I think maybe the other guys have been focusing on the paint job of their system more than what is under their hood as of late.

We have a location that does 60K a week with 9 stations and it never misses a beat. About the worst thing that could possibly happen would be primary station to go down. It would take about 10 minutes to fire up the secondary and you would be back up. This has never happened to us BTW.
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Mapping system hasn’t been updated in the 4 years we’ve been working with them causing dozens of delivery issues a day.

Terrible customer service. Literally threatened by a staff member there that they would shut our system down if we ever posted any dissatisfaction on these message boards.

Bogs down every day eventough we bought there $2000 extra hard drive that they said fix all issues.

Cannot run any report that includes more than a day or two of information. System locks up and we have to restart the computers.

Driver cashouts at the end of the night can sometimes take up to 30 mins per driver because the system runs so slow. Again, their only fix was the $2000 extra hard drive.

We’ve had orders disappear from the screen.

These are just a few things that I’m aware of from the Administration side. Our operations managers could add much more I’m afraid.

Just for reference. We did around 4 million in sales at our 1st store last year and are on track for another 2-2.5 million at a second store that we opened in January. Both are in the same city. Could this be a volume issue on Revention end? Unfortunately nobody knows. Not even Revention.
Nate I feel like you were in our store when we had Revention. We run volumes very near where your second store is and Revention repeatedly told us they had never seen those type of issues before. I think their system is fine for locations that run under 1 million but the software can not keep up with volume. We switched to Foodtec and have liked it.
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Yeah maybe it’s a volume thing. Our slower store seems to run Revention ok I guess. Still has problems but our main store is the one with tons of issues.

Then again, maybe the issues are just amplified because it does more business. All relevant I’d imagine.

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Just chiming in to say you’ll love Speedline. You should be super excited. I’ve never seen revention personally but I’ve never had any of the issues listed with Speedline. Your stress level alone will dwindle making it justified

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I’m using Revel and it’s actually pretty good. I also like that it’s integrated with Quickbooks, so it makes accounting and tax filing easier. My only complaint is that their online ordering system is too slow to load and not very customizable. I’m presently using opendining for online orders, but in the process of moving to Zuppler. Has anyone here used Zuppler?
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Hey Nate
How the hell do you do 77,000 a week out of one store. I’m doing 2 grand a week and exhausted.
Sometimes being slow is even more draining than being busy 24-7. Such a mental strain. Hang in there

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I’m using Revel and it’s actually pretty good. I also like that it’s integrated with Quickbooks, so it makes accounting and tax filing easier. My only complaint is that their online ordering system is too slow to load and not very customizable. I’m presently using opendining for online orders, but in the process of moving to Zuppler. Has anyone here used Zuppler?
Revel’s online ordering platform is really that bad where you have to use a 3rd party? When I spoke to them awhile back, their online ordering platform was one of their major selling points. Their sales people have absolutely no working knowledge of the system though, so the guy could have been referring to how they integrate with 3rd parties.
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Revel’s online ordering platform is really that bad where you have to use a 3rd party? When I spoke to them awhile back, their online ordering platform was one of their major selling points. Their sales people have absolutely no working knowledge of the system though, so the guy could have been referring to how they integrate with 3rd parties.
Unfortunately, it’s really slow to load, the design is not going to help you sell at all. And you can’t customize it. I wish it was better, because we would save a bunch of money.
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Hey Nate
How the hell do you do 77,000 a week out of one store. I’m doing 2 grand a week and exhausted.
20 drivers, 12 insiders and 2 managers on Thurs-Sat. We opened a second store across town and now both are hitting about $55,000 a week. Still huge! Delivery times are better but staffing is almost impossible. When CSU is back in session we’re hoping to load up on drivers.
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Beyond frustrated and beyond done with them… But I’m here posting in celebration because we are switching companies! Signed contract with Speedline and should be switched over by mid August! You may ask “what if Speedline isn’t better”? I’ll say, IT CANT BE WORSE … Why am I starting this thread you ask? I figured we all need a place to go to commiserate about issues pertaining to POS companies and in all seriousness we can help each other keep these businesses in check when they underperform their promises. After all, we’re here to help each other right? ( for the most part anyway lol )

I’d be happy to answer any questions about our experiences with Revention.
Are you switched over yet?

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