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Goodbye and Good Riddance Revention!

System is fully functioning at both of our stores! Just in time for a $30,000 Saturday between the two. That volume would have brought revention to its knees. The system is fast and we are able to run all the reports we need. Negatives: Harder to change menu and prices ourselves. Delivery mapping not up to date ( still more up to date than what we had before lol ). Switching systems at the beginning of the fall semester here was by far the most difficult thing we’ve had to deal with in 7 years of being open. We made it through and for the most part everything is way better.
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System is fully functioning at both of our stores! Just in time for a $30,000 Saturday between the two. That volume would have brought revention to its knees. The system is fast and we are able to run all the reports we need. Negatives: Harder to change menu and prices ourselves. Delivery mapping not up to date ( still more up to date than what we had before lol ). Switching systems at the beginning of the fall semester here was by far the most difficult thing we’ve had to deal with in 7 years of being open. We made it through and for the most part everything is way better.
Are you using Bing Maps for your mapping software? It’s behind google but still gets everything up to date (atleast around us) in about 6 months.

Changing prices I find to be relatively easy, however I’ve been working with it for a few years now and there are many many different ways to go about pricing. It’ll get easier as you go through a few menu changes. We’ve been through three changes so far and the first time was rough, the second time was even harder because we changed a lot, but this last time was a breeze and we had a ton of changes. If you have more than 1 location you can items set up for each store in the store groups function, that alone has saved me so much time. Hope you continue to enjoy the new system!

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The menu designer takes the longest to learn. Plan on doing an update every 6 months or so. You’ll get it better setup for your operation every time you do it. You’ll be amazed at how easily you’ll be able handle a complex menu along with quick order times and easily training new people. It’s a learning curve but it will happen.

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Beyond frustrated and beyond done with them… But I’m here posting in celebration because we are switching companies! Signed contract with Speedline and should be switched over by mid August! You may ask “what if Speedline isn’t better”? I’ll say, IT CANT BE WORSE … Why am I starting this thread you ask? I figured we all need a place to go to commiserate about issues pertaining to POS companies and in all seriousness we can help each other keep these businesses in check when they underperform their promises. After all, we’re here to help each other right? ( for the most part anyway lol )

I’d be happy to answer any questions about our experiences with Revention.
Man, I’m going the exact same route (revention to speedline)… I hope that you tell me in a few weeks that speedline is a godsend and that it completely destroys revention, because I’m beyond tired of switching POS companies every 3 or 4 years! Before I got revention I was so excited, just like I am now about with the idea of switching to speedline!
I am looking to purchase a new POS system. Considering Revention, Arrow, PDQ, Speedline. Thrive and Flashpoint (Trimpos). I would like to know how you made out Speedline. Also, what other systems did you consider and why did you not choose them.
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I am looking to purchase a new POS system. Considering Revention, Arrow, PDQ, Speedline. Thrive and Flashpoint (Trimpos). I would like to know how you made out Speedline. Also, what other systems did you consider and why did you not choose them.
We considered PDQ but they weren’t as impressive as Speedline as far as the delivery interface goes. They were also a little more expensive. Speedline has been great so far! I will say it was a difficult transition from Revention because it’s not quite as easy to use. Most impressive and important to us is that we have not had to call Speedline one single time since it was installed!!! Zero issues! Seriously incredible! Tells you how poor Revention is that I’m ecstatic that a product is doing what its supposed to do! lol… With Revention we were calling them a few times every single week and hardly getting anything fixed. I can’t reiterate what a terrible experience it was with Revention.
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We considered PDQ but they weren’t as impressive as Speedline as far as the delivery interface goes. They were also a little more expensive. Speedline has been great so far! I will say it was a difficult transition from Revention because it’s not quite as easy to use. Most impressive and important to us is that we have not had to call Speedline one single time since it was installed!!! Zero issues! Seriously incredible! Tells you how poor Revention is that I’m ecstatic that a product is doing what its supposed to do! lol… With Revention we were calling them a few times every single week and hardly getting anything fixed. I can’t reiterate what a terrible experience it was with Revention.
Chris (your installer) was telling me about your business a bit when I saw him a few weeks ago. Pretty impressive! Glad you enjoy Speedline like we do!

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Opening up a new store and installing Revention in this location as well, happy customer of 4 years. Easy to use, easy to update, great customer support and my only issue in those years was my sonic wall failing and that was really nobodies fault. The store Im taking over was a Figaros that used Speedline and they were not fans, I did not ask why because I didn’t really care, but I did think of this thread. This is an incredibly small sample and you have two operators with completely differing opinions on the same POS. Everyone knows a customer that has one terrible experience out of hundreds of good ones and screams to high heaven about it. So as long as this thread is still kickin’, I’ll keep being the one to balance it out with the good experience I’ve had.

That being said, I spent two years researching POS systems before I bought, I made my final decision after Pizza Expo a few years back. I went with Revention because of the ease of use, delivery interface, and HungerRush online ordering. I don’t regret it one bit, and I look forward to each update that makes it even better.
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Ok… so I’ve read a post made somewhere in here, where a restaurant owner using revention, said that in order to become PCI Compliant he had to swap out the hard drives of his computers!!! Since when the hard drives have anything to do with PCI Compliance, beats me. And if that’s a thing, then I need to forget what I know and be schooled again 😛
Anyways, he was charged by Revention (based on his post), around $500 per hard drive, so revention sent out new hard drives and they would given him a break if he returned the old drives back.

To make this clear: A hard drive is a storage unit and has nothing to do with being compliant or not! It’s what the hard drive includes (the information, data, software, operating system, etc.) that can be vulnerable, but not the hard drive itself! Plus a hard drive costs as low as $50!!!

One more thing… I’ve never heard anywhere else or seen any other software company having their customers being locked out of their POS because they haven’t paid their support fee, and being required to pay in order to get the “Unlock Code” or whatever is called these days.

As far as comparison between competitors goes, I would say that revention has easier interface than speedline from personal experience, without any intention of undermining speedline. As far as I know, speedline’s software is actually good and their support is great.

Now if wanna do comparison between Revention & FoodTec, tbh I don’t think Revention would stand a chance on any aspect!

Having said that, I’m glad it works good and can satisfy some of its customers. That’s the whole point.

This is just my personal opinion though and I have no intentions of offending anyone. If I have done so unintentionally, I apologize in advance!
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Ok… so I’ve read a post made somewhere in here, where a restaurant owner using revention, said that in order to become PCI Compliant he had to swap out the hard drives of his computers!!! Since when the hard drives have anything to do with PCI Compliance, beats me. And if that’s a thing, then I need to forget what I know and be schooled again 😛
Anyways, he was charged by Revention (based on his post), around $500 per hard drive, so revention sent out new hard drives and they would given him a break if he returned the old drives back.

To make this clear: A hard drive is a storage unit and has nothing to do with being compliant or not! It’s what the hard drive includes (the information, data, software, operating system, etc.) that can be vulnerable, but not the hard drive itself! Plus a hard drive costs as low as $50!!!

One more thing… I’ve never heard anywhere else or seen any other software company having their customers being locked out of their POS because they haven’t paid their support fee, and being required to pay in order to get the “Unlock Code” or whatever is called these days.

As far as comparison between competitors goes, I would say that revention has easier interface than speedline from personal experience, without any intention of undermining speedline. As far as I know, speedline’s software is actually good and their support is great.

Now if wanna do comparison between Revention & FoodTec, tbh I don’t think Revention would stand a chance on any aspect!

Having said that, I’m glad it works good and can satisfy some of its customers. That’s the whole point.

This is just my personal opinion though and I have no intentions of offending anyone. If I have done so unintentionally, I apologize in advance!
The story about the hard drives was just your opinion or was it fact?

Did you consider the possibility that it wasn’t the hard drive that made the system PCI compatible, but instead the PCI compliant version of the system that was on it?

From your post, it doesn’t appear you did.
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Did you consider the possibility that it wasn’t the hard drive that made the system PCI compatible, but instead the PCI compliant version of the system that was on it?
Actually I did, as this is exactly what I said “It’s what the hard drive includes (the information, data, software, operating system, etc.) that can be vulnerable, but not the hard drive itself!”
Point is, that as per the post from that user, revention told him that he needed to replace his hard drives, when they could have told him the reasons of such replacement is needed. I.e Software version upgrade, windows version upgrade, so the user would know that he doesn’t pay $500 just for a hard drive but for the work needed to be done and the costs of any licensing or upgrades.
On the other hand maybe they did tell him and the user only mentioned the hard drives.
Regarding the hard drives story, I only wrote what I’ve read on that post.
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Actually I did, as this is exactly what I said “It’s what the hard drive includes (the information, data, software, operating system, etc.) that can be vulnerable, but not the hard drive itself!”
Point is, that as per the post from that user, revention told him that he needed to replace his hard drives, when they could have told him the reasons of such replacement is needed. I.e Software version upgrade, windows version upgrade, so the user would know that he doesn’t pay $500 just for a hard drive but for the work needed to be done and the costs of any licensing or upgrades.
On the other hand maybe they did tell him and the user only mentioned the hard drives.
Regarding the hard drives story, I only wrote what I’ve read on that post.
Believe me, Revention didn’t just say “you need to replace your hard drives to become PCI compliant”.

They made it perfectly clear the what and why of the “upgrade”, which BTW included more than just the software. Even if you didn’t want to pay it, no one could claim they didn’t know what they were buying and why.
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Believe me, Revention didn’t just say “you need to replace your hard drives to become PCI compliant”.

They made it perfectly clear the what and why of the “upgrade”, which BTW included more than just the software. Even if you didn’t want to pay it, no one could claim they didn’t know what they were buying and why.
I cannot argue with that… but thanks for clarifying it!
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