Grand Re-Opening marketing idea: "Pizza Bonds"


New member
We are toying with an idea to get quick return of our customers. We are thinking of creating and selling “Pizza Bonds”. The idea is to sell a sort of certificate witha face value of $25 dollars for something like $20, like savings bonds. We would sell them or somehow get them into the market the week before up through a couple weeks after soft opening, and they can be redeemed on or after our official Grand Opening (a week or so later) for $25 value.

Another idea is to offer school, scouts, senior center and/or other group the opportunity to buy them from us for a little less still, and sell them for profit. They pay us $15 apiece for them, and they sell for the $20 for some profit.

The idea is to get some cashflow going now to build the warchest a little and stay ahead of the curve. Sure, we’ll be pulling from future receipts, but upsells are always my friend. So many customers are anxious to smell the pepperoni again in the breeze that it could create a little more frenzy.

Other definite plans include a raffle for an iPod or MP3 player of some sort (got the idea here) where you get your name in the raffle if you order $20 or more. AND contest for farthest coupon returned. We’ll give a $1 discount or something for everyone who brings in an entry from outside the county, and the winner will get some sort of prize, like a tshirt and/or gift certificates, or some other goofy prize(BigDave original idea). Run it for 2 months to see what we get.
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I worked for a guy once that sold a coupon book…nice presentation…could be made into a door hanger style…

had several versions, but the last I believe was 3 pies (coupons) for $xx.xx…we also upsold them when they already ordered…

Attached to the presentation were several other BOGO type things…

It was discounted quite heavily, as many folks took a long time to redeem and many never did…

Do a nice presentation (anyone remember Grantham?) and it can be sold door2door or for fund raisers…

interesting promo…not so sure how much it generated for us…when I was in the hotel biz, the presold Grantham thing was a real $$$ maker…
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