Your post will no doubt bring out the usual debate about Grande. We have this discussion about once per quarter. There are several forum members who will come out supporting Grande saying that nothing else comes close. I am not one of them.
Grande has tried several times over the last 10 years to get my business. They have dropped off samples as large as 20 lbs on several occasions. In our testing, we have found the product less desirable than what we use. In a delivery pizza the product is just not as good. Perhaps in a sit down place where the product reaches the table minutes after leaving the oven I would feel differently, but I don’t like the way the cheese sets up as it cools and there is no getting around cooling in delivery. (Even if your pie reaches the door at 175 degrees that is over 250 degree down from oven temp)
Regarding price; it is unconsionable. They buy milk at the same price everyone else does. Their business model is based on branding and getting a premium price for a commodity product. My hat is off to them that they get so many customers to pay the price. For my part, even if I liked it better I would not be willing to pay them a 40K per year premium. (I use about 40K lbs per year) Using standard food cost ratios, I would have to believe that I could raise my prices by $3 on a 16" pie as a result of using the product… and, as I said before, I find the product inferior for my use.
My suggestion would be to get some samples of other products and taste test serving the way you normally do. (If you are a delivery store, ask several friends over to your home and deliver pies for a blind taste test. Taste both plain cheese pies and some basic combo)
The CME price for cheese is at historic lows. It closed below $1.10 yesterday. Assuming that the prices stays in that neighborhood for a little while, that means we will be buying LMPS for about $1.25 to $1.35 by the end of this month. We are already down to $1.66 this week. My guess is that the CME price will go back up to the $1.25 - $1.45 level in the not to distant future and we will be paying $1.45 to $1.65 as that has been a long term stable price range, but in any case, Grande rarely if ever drops below the $2.00 mark.
Only you can decide if the difference is worth something to you or even if the difference is a benefit. Regardless of your conclusion, an approach using blind testing rather than hot air from a salesman may yield interesting results and possibly some savings. It will be fun no matter what.